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[英]how to split a string using / and white space in java

My problem is I have a string like this 我的问题是我有这样的字符串

String text="UWU/CST/13/0032 F" 字符串text =“ UWU / CST / 13/0032 F”

I want this to split by / and white spaces and put into a array.So finally the array indexes should include following UWU, CST, 13, 0032, F 我想用/和空格分开并放入一个数组中,所以最后数组索引应该包括以下UWU,CST,13、0032,F

text.split("[/ ]")text.split("[/ ]", -1)如果要返回尾随的空标记。

Use the string.split(separator) method that takes a String (regex expression) as an argument. 使用将String(正则表达式)作为参数的string.split(separator)方法。 Here is the documentation. 这是文档。 http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#split(java.lang.String) http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#split(java.lang.String)

If you have: 如果你有:

String text = "UWU/CST/13/0032 F";

You can separate it by the white space first, splitting it into an array of two Strings, and then split the first String in the array by "/". 您可以先用空格将其分隔,将其拆分为两个字符串的数组,然后用“ /”拆分数组中的第一个字符串。

    String text = "UWU/CST/13/0032 F";

    String[] array = text.split(" ");
    String[] other = array[0].split("/");

    for (String e : array) System.out.println(e);
    for (String e : other) System.out.println(e);

This code outputs: 此代码输出:


Regular expressions can be used in Java to split Strings using the String.split(String) method. Java中可以使用正则表达式使用String.split(String)方法拆分字符串。

For you particular situation, you should split the string on the regular expression "(\\s|/)" . 对于您的特殊情况,您应该在正则表达式"(\\s|/)"上拆分字符串。 \\s matches white space while / literally matches a forward slash. \\s匹配空格,而/匹配正斜杠。

The final code for this would be: 最终的代码是:

String[] splitString = text.split("(\\s|/)");

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