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如何在Xcode 6.1.1中导出我的iOS项目?

[英]How do I export my iOS project in Xcode 6.1.1?

I fell pretty stupid but I am to the point where I want to send my app to some friends to be tested. 我变得非常愚蠢,但是我想把我的应用程序发送给一些朋友进行测试。 I was wondering if it is possible to do so without a developers account. 我想知道没有开发者帐户是否有可能这样做。 If so, how do I do this. 如果是这样,我该怎么做。 If it does take an account, how would I export it once I get one? 如果确实需要一个帐户,一旦获得一个帐户,我将如何导出它?

Without a developer account, you can't. 没有开发者帐户,您就不能。

After you get your developer account, you have to create your Distribution Certificate and Ad Hoc Provisioning Profile based on the UDID collected from your friend's device. 获得开发者帐户后,您必须根据从朋友设备中收集的UDID创建分发证书临时配置文件

Alternatively, you can use TestFlight feature in iTunes Connect. 或者,您可以使用iTunes Connect中的TestFlight功能。 Requires Developer Account as well. 还需要开发者帐户。

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