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使用带有HTTP请求的RESTful WCF服务

[英]Use RESTful WCF Service with HTTP request

I try to consume a RESTful WCF Service by making POST requests with the DHC Plugin for Chrome . 我尝试使用DHC Plugin for Chrome发出POST请求来使用RESTful WCF服务 Unfortunately I have no idea how the JSON request should look like. 不幸的是我不知道JSON请求应该是怎样的。

The relevant parts of the VB.NET project VB.NET项目的相关部分

IUserService.vb IUserService.vb

    Sub CreateUser(ByVal user As User)

UserService.svc.vb UserService.svc.vb

Public Sub CreateUser(ByVal user As User) Implements IUserService.CreateUser
End Sub

User.vb User.vb

Private m_Id As Integer
Private m_Name As String
Private m_Age As Integer
Private m_Sex As Sex
Private m_Comments As String
Private Shared m_UserObj As User
Private m_LUser As List(Of User)

Public Shared ReadOnly Property UserObject() As User
        If m_UserObj Is Nothing Then
            m_UserObj = New User()
        End If

        Return m_UserObj
    End Get
End Property

Friend Sub CreateUser(ByVal user As User)
End Sub

Public Enum Sex
    Male = 0
    Female = 1
End Enum

I have tried something like this without success (Response: 400 Bad request ): 我尝试过这样的事情没有成功(响应: 400 Bad request ): JSON POST请求

How should the POST request look like? POST请求应该如何?

I have just added this headers: 我刚刚添加了这个标题:

  1. Content-Type: application/json Content-Type:application / json
  2. Accept: application/json 接受:application / json

and it works like a charm 它就像一个魅力

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