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去除 C64 上的边边框的示例

[英]Example of removing side borders on C64

I know that it's possible to remove top and bottom borders in C64 using assembly, and I've found example codes for that.我知道可以使用汇编删除 C64 中的顶部和底部边框,并且我已经找到了示例代码。 But I can't find any example code for removing the side borders (which was invented by 1001 Crew.)但是我找不到任何用于删除侧边框的示例代码(由 1001 Crew 发明。)

Anybody know any examples of that?有人知道这方面的任何例子吗?

请参阅我对“如何在 C64 上的边框中显示精灵”的回答,其中包含用于移除侧面和底部/顶部边框及其工作原理的汇编代码。

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