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C ++数组const char

[英]C++ arrays const char

Hello I have this very simple function: 您好,我有这个非常简单的功能:

    void sample(int data[])
         const int DataSize = data[sizeof(data)] // Last int in array contains data size
         int DataTable[DataSize] = {}; // error here must have a constant value

How can i make an empty array table the size of my last int in array? 我怎样才能使空数组表的大小成为我数组中最后一个int的大小?

As Neil Kirk mentioned, raw array sizes must be compile-time constants. 正如Neil Kirk提到的那样,原始数组大小必须是编译时常量。 DataSize is not a compile-time constant, it's a run-time constant. DataSize不是编译时常量,而是运行时常量。

Use an std::vector , its size can be determined at run-time. 使用std::vector ,其大小可以在运行时确定。

Additionally, sizeof(data) returns the size of data in bytes , not the number of elements in it. 另外, sizeof(data)返回以字节为单位data大小,而不是其中的元素数。 You need to pass the size of data as a parameter to be able to use it inside the function. 您需要将data大小作为参数传递,以便能够在函数内使用它。

void sample(int data[], int size)
     const int DataSize = data[size - 1];
     // size - 1 is the index of the last element in data.

     std::vector<int> DataTable(DataSize);
     // DataTable now contains DataSize ints, all initialized to 0.

Or, you could just turn data into a vector too which would simplify things a lot: 或者,您也可以将data变成向量,这将大大简化事情:

void sample(const std::vector<int>& data) // Pass data as a const reference.
     const int DataSize = data.back();
     // The `back` function accesses the last element in a vector.

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