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[英]Convert List to List<string>

I have the following problem: 我有以下问题:

public class AwesomeClass
    public string SomethingCool { get; set; }
    public string SomethingUseless { get; set; }

I have a class which contains a number of properties, and I need to convert a list of these classes into a list of strings, where the string represents a property in the class. 我有一个包含许多属性的类,我需要将这些类的列表转换为字符串列表,其中字符串表示类中的属性。

List<AwesomeClass> stuff = new List<AwesomeClass>();

//Fill the stuff list with some tings.

List<string> theCoolStuff = //Get only the SomethingCool property in the AwesomeClass list.

The reason why I need to convert this to a list of strings is because I have a method which takes a List as a parameter, but the SomethingCool property contains the data that I need for this list. 我需要将其转换为字符串列表的原因是因为我有一个方法将List作为参数,但SomethingCool属性包含我需要此列表的数据。

Note: I could use a foreach loop on the list and populate the List of strings but I'm looking for a more elegant method, perhaps LINQ can do this for me? 注意:我可以在列表中使用foreach循环并填充字符串列表,但我正在寻找更优雅的方法,也许LINQ可以为我做这个吗?

You can simply use Select : 您只需使用Select

var theCoolStuff = stuff.Select(x => x.SomethingCool).ToList();

What Select does is a projection , it projects each item and transforms (not convert) them into another form. Select做什么是投影 ,它投影每个项目并将它们转换(不转换)成另一种形式。

Note that you can even: 请注意,您甚至可以:

List<string> theCoolStuff = stuff.ConvertAll(x => x.SomethingCool);

because the List<T> has a special "conversion" method :-) 因为List<T>有一个特殊的“转换”方法:-)

foreach (AwesomeClass member in stuff)
   theCoolStuff.Add(member. SomethingCool)

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