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[英]Move files to folders based on file name

I am new to batch files although have searched thoroughly and found topics with a similar BUT not covering what I need. 我是批处理文件的新手,尽管已进行了彻底搜索并找到了与我所需要的内容类似的主题,但是却没有涉及。

I work with lots of documents (.pdf, .doc, .xls ) saved in C:\\Tempfolder. 我处理保存在C:\\ Tempfolder中的许多文档(.pdf,.doc,.xls)。 once I am done editing I save the file name with 9 digit numbers eg( 305123123.pdf or 306123123.pdf or .doc ) 完成编辑后,我用9位数字保存文件名,例如(305123123.pdf或306123123.pdf或.doc)

I am looking to create a batch file which will automate move the files that start with 305 to C:\\Users\\Omer\\Documents\\aaCompany or if 306 to C:\\Users\\Omer\\Documents\\bbCompany 我正在寻找一个批处理文件,它将以305开头的文件自动移动到C:\\ Users \\ Omer \\ Documents \\ aaCompany,或者将306移到C:\\ Users \\ Omer \\ Documents \\ bbCompany

I can have upwards of 200 files in the folder at any one time when I decide to process. 当我决定进行处理时,我随时可以在该文件夹中存储多达200个文件。

I am also curious if the batch file can monitor C:\\Tempfolder and move the files 305 or 306 without executing it 我也很好奇批处理文件是否可以监视C:\\ Tempfolder并在不执行的情况下将文件305或306移动

Help on this is greatly appreciated. 非常感谢您对此的帮助。
I hope I have provided sufficient information to see if this is feasible. 我希望我提供了足够的信息以查看这是否可行。

You can make something like this : 你可以做这样的事情:

@Echo off &cls

::The Input Folder
set $Dossier="C:\Tempfolder"

::The Output Folders
set $Out305="C:\Users\Omer\Documents\aaCompany"
set $Out306="C:\Users\Omer\Documents\bbCompany"

::The extensions to wait
set "$Format=*.pdf,*.xls,*.doc"

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
cls&echo Waiting for file ...
for /f %%a in ('dir /b/a-d %$Dossier%\%$Format% 2^>nul') do (
 set "$Fichier=%%a"
 echo Treating -^> %%a
 if "!$Fichier:~0,3!"=="305" move "%%~nxa" %$Out305%
 if "!$Fichier:~0,3!"=="306" move "%%~nxa" %$Out306%

::Waiting ~5 secondes
ping localhost -n 6 >nul

::Return to the loop

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