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Paypal Express Checkout中的信用卡选项

[英]Credit Card Options in Paypal Express Checkout

I have setup the express checkout process integration in asp.net mvc. 我已经在asp.net mvc中设置了快速结帐流程集成。 When user is redirected to paypal website after submission, there is only option to login using paypal or sign up new account. 提交后将用户重定向到贝宝网站时,只有使用贝宝登录或注册新帐户的选项。 There is no option to pay using credit card ? 有没有选择用信用卡付款的选择?

Am i using right API for this? 我为此使用正确的API吗?

By default Express Checkout is for PayPal accountholder payments; 默认情况下,Express Checkout适用于PayPal帐户持有人付款; originally you would pair this with some other product for credit card payments (such as collecting the card information on your site and calling PayPal DirectPay or some other card processing partner). 最初,您会将此产品与其他用于信用卡付款的产品配对(例如,在您的网站上收集卡信息并致电PayPal DirectPay或其他卡处理合作伙伴)。

PayPal also has several somewhat-similar products that collect the card information on their site (so you don't have to) and do that as well as accountholder payments; 贝宝(PayPal)也有一些类似的产品,它们可以在其网站上收集卡信息(因此您不必这样做)以及帐户持有人付款。 these vary in whether they end up giving you access to the credit card information (more flexible, but means you have to safely handle the card information and meet industry regulations, including vetting) or you do not ever see the card, just the money (simpler). 这些因素的不同之处在于,它们是否最终使您可以访问信用卡信息(更灵活,但意味着您必须安全地处理信用卡信息并满足行业法规,包括审核),或者您永远都不会看到信用卡,而只是看到钱(更简单)。 This is often called some form of "guest checkout." 这通常被称为“访客结帐”的某种形式。

And eventually PayPal did add a guest checkout option to Express Checkout called "Account Optional." 最终,PayPal确实向Express Checkout添加了一个名为“ Account Optional”的来宾结帐选项。 So you can use Express Checkout and get a guest checkout experience. 因此,您可以使用Express Checkout并获得来宾结账的体验。 See this link: 看到这个链接:

PayPal: express checkout pay without account PayPal:无帐户的快速结帐付款

So in short you can get this from EC if you configure things for it, although some other PayPal products might be a better fit depending upon your particular requirements. 简而言之,如果您为其配置了一些东西,就可以从EC上获得它,尽管根据您的特定要求,某些其他PayPal产品可能更合适。

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