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[英]WatchKit Extension: Page-based hierarchy for glances

There is something confusing in Apple's Programming Guide documentation. Apple的《编程指南》文档中有令人困惑的地方。 While they are illustrating the glances they used a figure that shows a glance represented in a page based navigation. 他们在说明扫视时,使用了一个图,该图显示了在基于页面的导航中表示的扫视。


But they ended it up saying this. 但是他们最终还是这样说了。


The question is, can i have multiple glances in a page based navigation? 问题是,我可以在基于页面的导航中一目了然吗?

The programming guide: https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/WatchKitProgrammingGuide/ImplementingaGlance.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014969-CH5-SW1 编程指南: https : //developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/WatchKitProgrammingGuide/ImplementingaGlance.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014969-CH5-SW1

In my opinion you little bit confused with this image. 我认为您对此图像有点困惑。 Glance interface controller like home screen widget (or any else). 一览界面控制器,例如主屏幕小部件(或其他任何窗口)。 It could be just in one screen and without any scrolling. 它可能只在一个屏幕中,没有任何滚动。 Then user could choose best glances (from multiply apps) and then they will be in his watch home screen. 然后,用户可以(从多个应用程序中)选择最佳浏览,然后将其显示在手表的主屏幕中。 This page base navigation at image about multiply glances from multiply apps. 该页面基于图像导航,涉及来自多个应用程序的多个概览。

And Apple mean that in you app (current and one) you could have only one glance interface controller that user could chose to be at home screen. 苹果公司的意思是,在您的应用程序(当前和一个)中,您只能选择一个扫视界面控制器,用户可以选择将其置于主屏幕。 Is it clear? 清楚吗?

The image is confusing, but what's happening there is that the multiple "pages" are actually different apps. 图像令人困惑,但是正在发生的是多个“页面”实际上是不同的应用程序。 Each app can have its own glance, and then the user swipes through them just like a paged application, but each app can only contribute one page. 每个应用程序可以有自己的一眼,然后用户像翻页的应用程序一样在它们之间滑动,但是每个应用程序只能贡献一页。

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