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[英]Regex pattern to match string on the basis of “Starts with” and “Number of occurrences”

I need to find out only URLs those starts with http://www.example.com/blog/ and total number of character / is exactly 5 . 我只需要找出以http://www.example.com/blog/开头的URL,而字符/总数恰好是5

So it won't matches URL like 因此它不会与以下网址匹配


It should only match URLs like 它只能匹配以下网址


I have tried a lot on regxr but could not create one. 我在regxr上尝试了很多,但无法创建一个。

I will implement it in C# (if it makes any different). 我将在C#中实现它(如果有任何不同的话)。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

You want something like: 您想要类似的东西:

bool isMatch = Regex.IsMatch(str, "^http://www.example.com/blog/[^/]*/[^/]*$");

(starts with your url, has 0-n characters, followed by a /, followed by 0-n characters, end of the string) (以您的网址开头,包含0-n个字符,后跟一个/,然后是0-n个字符,字符串的结尾)


Regex reg = new Regex(@"^http://www.example.com/blog/[^/]*/[^/]*/$");

For this kind of task i'd use the Uri class instead, for example (tested with a text file): 对于此类任务,我将改用Uri类,例如(使用文本文件进行测试):

Uri uri = null;
var uris = File.ReadLines(filePath)
    .Where(l => Uri.TryCreate(l.Trim(), UriKind.Absolute, out uri))
    .Select(l => uri);

var validUris = uris
    .Where(u => u.Host == "www.example.com"
             && u.Segments.Length == 3
             && u.Segments[1] == "blog/");

You could try something like 您可以尝试类似


Would match any url that starts with www.example.com/blog/ (after the http:// bit) and has a total of 5, two in the http:// and 3 in whatever comes after. 将匹配任何以www.example.com/blog/开头(在http://位之后)且总共为5的http:// ,其中两个在http:// ,后面是3。

Not very well versed in C# so I'm not sure how to best apply the expression however. 不太熟悉C#,因此我不确定如何最好地应用该表达式。

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