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[英]NullPointerException after Closing App with Service still running

When I close my application, the service that had been started is supposed to continue running in the background. 当我关闭我的应用程序时,已启动的服务应该继续在后台运行。 For some reason, the application crashes and throws a NullPointerException upon closing it. 由于某种原因,应用程序崩溃并在关闭它时抛出NullPointerException。

I am using a MQTTConstants class to keep all the Constants in one place, and within that class I have a Hashset declared, which is then modified throughout the life of the application. 我正在使用MQTTConstants类将所有常量保存在一个位置,并且在该类中我声明了一个Hashset,然后在应用程序的整个生命周期中对其进行修改。

Is it possible that by closing the app, this information is being cleared? 是否有可能通过关闭应用程序,此信息被清除? Although the service is never disconnected. 虽然服务永远不会断开。

The service would continue to work off of this TOPIC_SET as it continues to run in the background. 该服务将继续在此TOPIC_SET中继续运行,因为它将继续在后台运行。

  public static HashSet<String> TOPIC_SET = new HashSet<String>();


02-20 14:14:30.620: E/AndroidRuntime(14753): FATAL EXCEPTION: MQTTservice 02-20 14:14:30.620: E/AndroidRuntime(14753): Process: com.l.ltestmqtt, PID: 14753 02-20 14:14:30.620: E/AndroidRuntime(14753): java.lang.NullPointerException 02-20 14:14:30.620: E/AndroidRuntime(14753): at com.l.ltestmqtt.MQTTService.handleStartAction(MQTTService.java:315) 02-20 14:14:30.620: E/AndroidRuntime(14753): at com.l.ltestmqtt.MQTTService.handleStart(MQTTService.java:231) 02-20 14:14:30.620: E/AndroidRuntime(14753): at com.l.ltestmqtt.MQTTService$2.run(MQTTService.java:196) 02-20 14:14:30.620: E/AndroidRuntime(14753): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841) 02-20 14:14:30.620:E / AndroidRuntime(14753):FATAL EXCEPTION:MQTTservice 02-20 14:14:30.620:E / AndroidRuntime(14753):进程:com.l.ltestmqtt,PID:14753 02-20 14:14:30.620:E / AndroidRuntime(14753):java.lang.NullPointerException 02-20 14:14:30.620:E / AndroidRuntime(14753):at com.l.ltestmqtt.MQTTService.handleStartAction(MQTTService.java:315 )02-20 14:14:30.620:E / AndroidRuntime(14753):at com.l.ltestmqtt.MQTTService.handleStart(MQTTService.java:231)02-20 14:14:30.620:E / AndroidRuntime(14753):在com.l.ltestmqtt.MQTTService $ 2.run(MQTTService.java:196)02-20 14:14:30.620:E / AndroidRuntime(14753):at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)

Here are the methods that are named within the Stack Trace 以下是在堆栈跟踪中命名的方法

handleStart handleStart

synchronized void handleStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
    // before we start - check for a couple of reasons why we should stop
    Log.e("SERVICE", "----------HANDLESTART()-----------");

    if (mqttClient == null) {
      // we were unable to define the MQTT client connection, so we stop
      // immediately - there is nothing that we can do

    ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
    if (cm.getBackgroundDataSetting() == false) // respect the user's request not to use data!
      // user has disabled background data
      connectionStatus = MQTTConnectionStatus.NOTCONNECTED_DATADISABLED;

      // update the app to show that the connection has been disabled
      broadcastServiceStatus("Not connected - background data disabled");

      // we have a listener running that will notify us when this
      // preference changes, and will call handleStart again when it
      // is - letting us pick up where we leave off now
    if (!handleStartAction(intent)) {
      // the Activity UI has started the MQTT service - this may be starting
      // the Service new for the first time, or after the Service has been
      // running for some time (multiple calls to startService don't start
      // multiple Services, but it does call this method multiple times)
      // if we have been running already, we re-send any stored data

    // if the Service was already running and we're already connected - we
    // don't need to do anything
    if (isAlreadyConnected() == false) {
      // set the status to show we're trying to connect
      connectionStatus = MQTTConnectionStatus.CONNECTING;

      // we are creating a background service that will run forever until
      // the user explicity stops it. so - in case they start needing
      // to save battery life - we should ensure that they don't forget
      // we're running, by leaving an ongoing notification in the status
      // bar while we are running
      NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
      Notification notification =
          new Notification(R.drawable.ic_launcher, "MQTT", System.currentTimeMillis());
      notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT;
      notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_NO_CLEAR;
      Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(this, MQTTNotifier.class);
      PendingIntent contentIntent =
          PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
      notification.setLatestEventInfo(this, "MQTT", "MQTT Service is running", contentIntent);
      nm.notify(MQTTConstants.MQTT_NOTIFICATION_ONGOING, notification);

      // before we attempt to connect - we check if the phone has a
      // working data connection
      if (isOnline()) {
        // we think we have an Internet connection, so try to connect
        // to the message broker
        if (connectToBroker()) {
          // we subscribe to a topic - registering to receive push
          // notifications with a particular key
          // in a 'real' app, you might want to subscribe to multiple
          // topics - I'm just subscribing to one as an example
          // note that this topicName could include a wildcard, so
          // even just with one subscription, we could receive
          // messages for multiple topics

          //subscribe to initial TOPIC_SET topics, ie device_id_topic, all_topic
      } else {
        // we can't do anything now because we don't have a working
        // data connection
        connectionStatus = MQTTConnectionStatus.NOTCONNECTED_WAITINGFORINTERNET;

        // inform the app that we are not connected
        broadcastServiceStatus("Waiting for network connection");

    // changes to the phone's network - such as bouncing between WiFi
    // and mobile data networks - can break the MQTT connection
    // the MQTT connectionLost can be a bit slow to notice, so we use
    // Android's inbuilt notification system to be informed of0
    // network changes - so we can reconnect immediately, without
    // having to wait for the MQTT timeout
    if (netConnReceiver == null) {
      netConnReceiver = new NetworkConnectionIntentReceiver();
      registerReceiver(netConnReceiver, new IntentFilter(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION));


    // creates the intents that are used to wake up the phone when it is
    // time to ping the server
    if (pingSender == null) {
      pingSender = new PingSender();
      registerReceiver(pingSender, new IntentFilter(MQTTConstants.MQTT_PING_ACTION));

handleStartAction handleStartAction

  private boolean handleStartAction(Intent intent) {
String action = intent.getAction();

if (action == null) {
  return false;

if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(MQTTConstants.MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC_INTENT)) {

if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(MQTTConstants.MQTT_PUBLISH_MSG_INTENT)) {

if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(MQTTConstants.MQTT_UNSUBSCRIBE_TOPIC_INTENT)) {

return true;

UPDATES: The problem exists within the handleStart() method. 更新: handleStart()方法中存在问题。 If I comment this if (!handleStartAction(intent)) { the issue no longer occurs. 如果我评论这个if (!handleStartAction(intent)) {问题不再发生。

FOR ρяσѕρєя K The service is started inside MQTTNotifier Activity using this FORρяσѕρєяk上的服务MQTTNotifier活动中使用此启动


which references this method inside the MQTTServiceDelegateClass 它在MQTTServiceDelegateClass中引用此方法

public static void startService(Context context) {
    Intent svc = new Intent(context, MQTTService.class);

I have solved the issue, I will mark this as the answer unless someone is able to provide a better solution. 我已经解决了这个问题,除非有人能够提供更好的解决方案,否则我会将此标记为答案。

I ran a quick test to see if the intent was == null, and if it was I just logged it, otherwise I processed the code. 我运行了一个快速测试,看看意图是否= = null,如果是,我只是记录它,否则我处理了代码。

  private boolean handleStartAction(Intent intent) {
    if (intent == null) {
      Log.e("NULL INTENT", "***************NULL INTENT**************");
    } else {
      String action = intent.getAction();

      if (action == null) {
        return false;

      if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(MQTTConstants.MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC_INTENT)) {

      if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(MQTTConstants.MQTT_PUBLISH_MSG_INTENT)) {

      if (action.equalsIgnoreCase(MQTTConstants.MQTT_UNSUBSCRIBE_TOPIC_INTENT)) {

    return true;

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