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[英]jQuery append to div on click from the different div

I have a div of online users which are dynamically inserted: 我有一个动态插入的在线用户div

<div id="users">
  <div class="privateMessage" data="John">John</div>
  <div class="privateMessage" data="Maria">Maria</div>
  <div class="privateMessage" data="Tony">Tony</div>

Then I have a div for private messages: 然后我有一个私人消息的div

<div id="messageBox">

Now, I'm struggling how to dynamically append a div inside the messageBox when I click on the user. 现在,我正在努力在单击用户时如何在messageBox动态附加div

What I need is this below: 我需要的是以下内容:

<div id="messageBox">
   //when I click on John from users div this below should be appended
   <div class="private-chat" data-conversation-between="John"></div>
  //when I click on Maria from users div this below should be appended and John above
  //will be hidden
   <div class="private-chat" data-conversation-between="Maria"></div>
  //when I click on Tony from users div this below should be appended and John and Maria
  //will be hidden
   <div class="private-chat" data-conversation-between="Tony"></div>

Whatever I tried, the divs inside messageBox get appended more than once. 无论我尝试了什么, messageBox内的div messageBox被追加多次。

Can someone help me to solve this with jQuery please? 有人可以帮我用jQuery解决这个问题吗?

Link: fiddle 链接: 小提琴

What about something like this? 那这样的东西呢?

http://jsfiddle.net/thetimbanks/hfuurcL7/ http://jsfiddle.net/thetimbanks/hfuurcL7/

The click event is delegated since the users can be added to the list dynamically. 由于可以将用户动态添加到列表中,因此委托click事件。 I also search the messageBox for an existing div for that user in order to not add another one. 我还搜索messageBox中该用户的现有div ,以便不添加另一个div

Adding code here as to not just link to fiddle: 在此处添加代码,不仅可以链接到小提琴:


<div id="users">
  <div class="privateMessage" data-user="John">John</div>
  <div class="privateMessage" data-user="Maria">Maria</div>
  <div class="privateMessage" data-user="Tony">Tony</div>

<div id="messageBox">

js JS

$("#users").on("click", ".privateMessage", function() {

    var user = $(this),
        private_chat = $("#messageBox .private-chat[data-conversation-between='" + user.data("user") + "']");

    if (private_chat.length == 0) {
        private_chat = $('<div class="private-chat" data-conversation-between="' + user.data("user") + '">Chat with ' + user.data("user") + '</div>');


After short clarification in the comments, I'm posting a working solution: 在评论中简短澄清后,我发布了一个可行的解决方案:

$('.privateMessage').on('click', function (e) {
  $messageBox = $('#messageBox');
  var whoIsIt = $(this).attr('data');

  var isAlreadyThere = $messageBox.find('div[data-conversation-between="' + whoIsIt + '"]').length;

  if (isAlreadyThere == 0) {
    $messageBox.append('<div class="private-chat" data-conversation-between="' + whoIsIt + '"></div>');

jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pLe01k57/2/ jsfiddle: http : //jsfiddle.net/pLe01k57/2/

Basically: check if #messageBox already has conversation ( div ) with clicked-on user, and if not - append it there. 基本上:检查#messageBox已经与点击的用户进行了对话( div ),如果没有,请在#messageBox对话后追加( div )。

How about this? 这个怎么样?

$('.privateMessage').on('click', function (e) {
    var whoIsIt = $(this).attr('data');
    $('#messageBox').append('<div class="private-chat" data-conversation-between="' + whoIsIt + '"></div>');

https://jsfiddle.net/lemoncurry/5cq2sw8m/1/ https://jsfiddle.net/lemoncurry/5cq2sw8m/1/

Basically bardzusny's solution above plus a $(this).unbind(). 基本上是bardzusny的解决方案,加上一个$(this).unbind()。

You should avoid using data attribute in this way. 您应该避免以这种方式使用data属性。

Read more about .data() attribute 阅读有关.data()属性的更多信息


<div id="users">
    <div class="privateMessage" data-selected="" data-who="John">John</div>
    <div class="privateMessage" data-selected="" data-who="Maria">Maria</div>
    <div class="privateMessage" data-selected="" data-who="Tony">Tony</div>
<div id="messageBox"></div>

Script: 脚本:

$("#users").on("click", '.privateMessage', function () {
        $(this).data('selected', 'selected');
        // do not use '.attr()', use natvie jQuery '.data()'
        var $msgTo = $(this).data('who');
        $("#messageBox").append("<div class='private-chat' data-conversation-between=" + $msgTo + ">"+$msgTo+"</div>");


Alternatively , you could just use .one() event, and reactivate it later for specific button (f.ex. after the person was removed from the chat): 或者 ,您可以只使用.one()事件,然后稍后将其重新激活以用于特定按钮(例如,从聊天室中删除此人之后):

function singleClick(el) {
    $(el).one("click", function () {
        var $msgTo = $(this).data('who');
        $("<div class='private-chat' data-conversation-between=" + $msgTo + ">"+$msgTo+"</div>").appendTo("#messageBox");


DEMO (with delete example using .one() ) 演示 (使用.one()删除示例)

Hope it does what you are expecting .Can check data-attribute before appending div's. 希望它能达到您的期望。可以在附加div之前检查数据属性。

 $('.privateMessage').on('click', function(e) { var isPresent = false; var whoIsIt = $(this).attr('data'); $('#messageBox .private-chat').each(function(index, element) { if ($(this).attr('data-conversation-between') == whoIsIt) { isPresent = true; } }); if (!isPresent) { $('#messageBox').append('<div class="private-chat" data-conversation-between="' + whoIsIt + '"></div>'); } }); 
 .private-chat { height: 20px; background: red; } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="users"> <div class="privateMessage" data="John">John</div> <div class="privateMessage" data="Maria">Maria</div> <div class="privateMessage" data="Tony">Tony</div> </div> <div id="messageBox"></div> 

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