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[英]Login to facebook account without exiting app using facebook client API

I want to provide the user the option of posting to his facebook wall ,through my app. 我想为用户提供通过我的应用程序发布到他的Facebook墙的选项。 Inorder to achieve this , for facebook authentication and posting action I have used the facebook & facebook client API's provided by microsoft (their latest alpha version). 为了实现这一点,为了进行Facebook身份验证和发布操作,我使用了Microsoft提供的facebook&facebook client API(它们的最新alpha版本)。 I could also able to achieve the process of posting also using the API methods. 我还可以使用API​​方法来实现发布过程。 The main problem , was on completion of Facebook authentication my app is getting relaunched newly , losing its existing instance. 主要问题是在完成Facebook身份验证后,我的应用程序重新启动,丢失了现有实例。 Is there any alternative ways so that I can achieve my scenario without exiting the app. 有没有其他方法可以使我在不退出应用程序的情况下实现自己的方案。

my authentication code here below 我的验证码如下

Session.ActiveSession.LoginWithBehavior("email,public_profile,user_friends,publish_actions", FacebookLoginBehavior.LoginBehaviorWebViewOnly); Session.ActiveSession.LoginWithBehavior(“电子邮件,public_profile,用户朋友,发布动作”,FacebookLoginBehavior.LoginBehaviorWebViewOnly);

Please let me know if some alternatives are possible. 请让我知道是否有其他选择。

Thanks, Mawy 谢谢,马威

You will need to install a combination of fast resume, and a UriMapper to correctly launch your app back to the right place after authentication. 您将需要安装快速恢复和UriMapper的组合,以在身份验证后正确地将您的应用启动回正确的位置。 I dont' think Fast Resume is not required, however it provides a better experience as it should relaunch your app quicker. 我认为不需要“快速恢复”,但是它提供了更好的体验,因为它可以更快地重新启动您的应用程序。

Fast resume is define here , UriMapping is outlined here . 这里定义快速恢复, 这里概述 UriMapping。

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