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[英]Checking a string for a sequence of letters and numbers using values from a list (Python)

I'm stuck on searching a string for a particular sequence of numbers and letters. 我一直在搜索字符串以查找数字和字母的特定序列。 I need to be able to search a string (a car reg numberplate) for the sequence of two letters, two numbers and then three letters . 我需要能够在字符串(汽车规则号牌)中搜索两个字母,两个数字然后三个字母的序列。 So far, I have this: 到目前为止,我有这个:

if any(letters in carReg for letters in letters): # Good enough
    if any(numbers in carReg for numbers in numbers): # Good enough

if valid==0:
    print("Invalid license plate.")
elif valid==1:
    print("Does not contain both numbers AND letters")
elif valid==2:
    print("Valid License Plate")

where letters and numbers are just lists: lettersnumbers只是列表:

letters = ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"]
numbers = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"]

which are declared at the start of the program. 在程序开始时声明。

The code above works, but only if the string entered is composed entirely of letters, or entirely of numbers. 上面的代码有效,但前提是输入的字符串完全由字母或数字组成。 It doesn't check for a sequence, as the program needs to do. 它不检查序列,而程序需要这样做。

Edit : carReg is given by this line: 编辑 :carReg由以下行给出:

carReg = input("Please enter your licence plate: ")
carReg = carReg.upper()
reg = "ab11foo"

a,b,c = reg[:2],reg[2:4],reg[4:] # slice string into ll nn lll
# check a is all alpha characters, b is made up of 0123456789 and c is again alpha and length is correct
if all((a.isalpha(), b.isdigit(), c.isalpha(), len(c)== 3)):
       print("Valid reg")
     print("Invalid reg")

You could also use sets and set.issuperset : 您也可以使用set和set.issuperset

letters = {"A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"}
numbers = {"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"}
a,b,c = reg[:2], reg[2:4],reg[4:]

if all((letters.issuperset(a), numbers.issuperset(b), letters.issuperset(c), len(c)==3 )):

You test is wrong, since you don't take order and count of letters/digits into account. 您的测试是错误的,因为您没有考虑顺序和字母/数字的计数。 This sounds like the right work for a regex: 这听起来像是正则表达式的正确工作:

import re

if re.match(r"^[A-Za-z]{2}[0-9]{2}[A-Za-z]{3}$", carReg):
    print("Valid :)")
    print("Invalid :(")

the pattern means "two letters in AZ or az, then 2 digits 0-9 and other 3 letters in AZ or az" and the ^$ part means that the string must have that exact format, with no extra trailing or leading parts. 该模式的意思是“两个字母用AZ或az,然后是2位数字0-9,另外3个字母用AZ或az”^$部分表示字符串必须具有确切的格式,没有多余的结尾或前导部分。

Use normal if condition: if情况下使用普通:

  1. Get User input by raw_input() method. 通过raw_input()方法获取用户输入。
  2. Convert to Upper case by string upper() method. 通过字符串upper()方法转换为大写。
  3. Check length of user input by len() method. 通过len()方法检查用户输入的长度。
  4. Check character sequence according to problem definition. 根据问题定义检查字符序列。

eg 例如

letters = ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"]
numbers = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"]

carReg = raw_input("Please enter your licence plate: ")
carReg = carReg.upper()
if len(carReg)==7:
    if carReg[0] in letters and carReg[1] in letters and carReg[2] in numbers and\
    carReg[3] in numbers and carReg[4] in letters and carReg[5] in letters and\
    carReg[6] in letters:
        print "Valid licence"
        print "Wrong licence"

    print "Wrong licence"

output: 输出:

$ python test.py 
Please enter your licence plate: aa123fgr
Wrong licence
$ python test.py 
Please enter your licence plate: ss12fgr             
Valid licence
$ python test.py 
Please enter your licence plate: adw
Wrong licence
$ python test.py 
Please enter your licence plate: 12asder
Wrong licence

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