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Locatons的Twitter API流

[英]Twitter API Streaming by Locatons

I'm using a Python's Twitter API implementation, TwitterAPI. 我正在使用Python的Twitter API实现TwitterAPI。

I'm trying get tweets from a specific city (São Paulo), in the Twitter Advanced Search( https://twitter.com/search-advanced ) website is easy, but when I try to do it using streaming, never returns any tweet. 我正在尝试从特定城市(圣保罗)获取推文,在Twitter高级搜索( https://twitter.com/search-advanced )网站中很简单,但是当我尝试使用流媒体发送时,从不返回任何内容鸣叫。 (I know search-advanced is complete different from twitter streaming API) (我知道高级搜索与Twitter流API完全不同)


Like follow the documentation I get the southwest coordinate first, and northeast after. 像按照文档所述,我首先获取西南坐标,然后获取东北坐标。 https://dev.twitter.com/streaming/overview/request-parameters#locations https://dev.twitter.com/streaming/overview/request-parameters#locations


import pprint from TwitterAPI import TwitterAPI

pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(depth=6)

api = TwitterAPI(CONSUMER_KEY,

r = api.request('statuses/filter', {'locations':'-23.984524,-46.885064,-23.393466,-46.479943'})

for item in r:

But I never got any tweet, what I'am doing wrong ? 但是我从来没有收到任何推文,我做错了什么?

You have the latitudes and longitudes reversed. 您的经纬度反转了。 Try: 尝试:

r = api.request('statuses/filter', {'locations':'-46.885064,-23.984524,-46.479943,-23.393466'})

The locations parameter takes longitude/latitude pairs. locations参数采用经度/纬度对。



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