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[英]How to add form elements in gwt-bootstrap3

I am trying to add some elements in gwt-bootstrap3 modal [link] , I am using UI-binder to generate the screen but nothing is appear. 我正在尝试在gwt-bootstrap3模态[link]中添加一些元素,我正在使用UI-binder生成屏幕,但是什么也没有出现。

my ui binder class 我的UI活页夹类

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui='urn:ui:com.google.gwt.uibinder' xmlns:g='urn:import:com.google.gwt.user.client.ui' xmlns:b='urn:import:org.gwtbootstrap3.client.ui'
   <ui:with type="com.db.cary.client.resources.CSSResources" field="res">
   <b:Modal closable="true" fade="true" dataBackdrop="TRUE" dataKeyboard="true">
           <b:Form type="HORIZONTAL">
                   <b:Legend>Please enter the book detail</b:Legend>

                       <b:FormLabel for="bookTitle" addStyleNames="col-lg-2">Title</b:FormLabel>
                       <g:FlowPanel addStyleNames="col-lg-10">
                           <b:TextBox placeholder="Enter book Title" ui:field="titleTextBox" />

                       <b:FormLabel for="bookAuthor" addStyleNames="col-lg-2">Author</b:FormLabel>
                       <g:FlowPanel addStyleNames="col-lg-10">
                           <b:ListBox ui:field="authorListBox" />
                           <b:Button ui:field="newAuthorButton" type="LINK" size="EXTRA_SMALL">New author</b:Button>
                       <g:FlowPanel addStyleNames="col-lg-offset-2 col-lg-10">
                           <b:TextBox ui:field="authorTextBox" placeholder="enter slash (/) separated list of authors"></b:TextBox>

                       <b:FormLabel for="bookCategory" addStyleNames="col-lg-2">Category</b:FormLabel>
                       <g:FlowPanel addStyleNames="col-lg-10">
                           <b:ListBox ui:field="categoryListBox" />
                           <b:Button ui:field="newCategoryButton" type="LINK" size="EXTRA_SMALL">New Category</b:Button>
                       <g:FlowPanel addStyleNames="col-lg-offset-2 col-lg-10">
                           <b:TextBox ui:field="categoryTextBox" placeholder="enter category"></b:TextBox>
           <b:Button type="PRIMARY" ui:field='submitButton'>Submit</b:Button>
           <b:Button ui:field='cancelButton'>Cancel</b:Button>

and my view class 和我的观点班

public class AddBook extends Modal {

   interface CheckOutPopUpBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, AddBook> {

   private static final CheckOutPopUpBinder binder = GWT.create(CheckOutPopUpBinder.class);
   private final AuthorAndCategoryServiceAsync authorService = GWT.create(AuthorAndCategoryService.class);
   private final LibraryServiceAsync libraryServiceAsync = GWT.create(LibraryService.class);

   TextBox titleTextBox;
   ListBox authorListBox;
   TextBox authorTextBox;
   ListBox categoryListBox;
   Button submitButton;
   Button cancelButton;

   Button newAuthorButton;
   Button newCategoryButton;
   TextBox categoryTextBox;

   public AddBook(String title) {

   private void initializeCategoryListBox() {
      authorService.getCategories(null, new AsyncCallback<List<CategoryDTO>>() {

     public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) {
        Window.alert("unable to fetch category list");

     public void onSuccess(List<CategoryDTO> arg0) {
        for (CategoryDTO category : arg0)


   private void initializeAuthorListBox() {
      authorService.getAuthors(null, new AsyncCallback<List<AuthorDTO>>() {
     public void onSuccess(List<AuthorDTO> arg0) {
        for (AuthorDTO author : arg0) {

     public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) {
        Window.alert("Unable to fetch the list of authors");

   public void cancelAction(ClickEvent e) {

   public void submitAction(ClickEvent e) {
      AddBookDTO bookDTO = new AddBookDTO();
      String bookTitle = titleTextBox.getText();
      String bookCategory = categoryListBox.getSelectedValue() == null ? categoryTextBox.getText() : categoryListBox.getSelectedValue();
      List<String> authorsList = new ArrayList<String>();

      for (int i = 0; i < authorListBox.getItemCount(); i++) {
     if (authorListBox.isItemSelected(i)) {

      if (null != authorTextBox.getText() && authorTextBox.getText().trim().length() > 0) {
     String[] values = authorTextBox.getText().split("/");
     for (String str : values) {
      if (bookTitle == null || bookTitle.length() <= 0) {
     Window.alert("Please enter a valid book title");
      } else if (bookCategory == null || bookCategory.length() <= 0) {
     Window.alert("Please enter a valid book category");
      } else if (authorsList == null || authorsList.size() == 0) {
     Window.alert("Please enter valid authors");
      libraryServiceAsync.addBook(bookDTO, new AsyncCallback<Boolean>() {

     public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) {
        Window.alert("There is some issue with database while adding book, Please contact your admin");


     public void onSuccess(Boolean arg0) {
        Window.alert("Book is successfully added !!!");


   public void addAuthor(ClickEvent e) {

   public void addCategory(ClickEvent e) {


I am not sure, What is wrong but only header is appearing in the modal. 我不确定,这是什么问题,但是模版中仅出现标题。

You are calling AddBook.this.show(); 您正在调用AddBook.this.show(); - this shows the Modal that is the base of this AddBook instance, not the instance defined in your UiBinder template. -这将显示作为此AddBook实例基础的Modal ,而不是UiBinder模板中定义的实例。 When you call setTitle(title); 当您调用setTitle(title); you are setting the header/title on this instance - this is why all you see is the header and not the rest of the modal. 您正在为此实例设置标题/标题-这就是为什么您只看到标题而不是模态的其余部分的原因。 You should assign an ui:field to your Modal defined in your UiBinder template and show/hide it. 您应为UiBinder模板中定义的Modal分配一个ui:field并显示/隐藏它。

Also AddBook shouldn't be extending Modal - it shouldn't extend any widget class at all :) Normally, UiBinder classes are extending Composite - because your UiBinder template is composed of a variety of widgets and Composite is used to bring them together without exposing any of their APIs: you call initWidget with the result of binder.createAndBindUi(this) . 另外AddBook不应扩展Modal它根本不应扩展任何小部件类:)通常,UiBinder类正在扩展Composite因为您的UiBinder模板由各种小部件组成,并且Composite用于将它们放在一起而不暴露它们的任何一种API:您initWidget使用binder.createAndBindUi(this)的结果调用initWidget But if you are creating a widget whose "main" widget is Modal , like here, you should just call binder.createAndBindUi(this) and ignore the Widget that is returned (just like you are doing now). 但是,如果要创建一个“主”窗口小部件为Modal窗口小部件binder.createAndBindUi(this) ,则应仅调用binder.createAndBindUi(this)并忽略返回的binder.createAndBindUi(this) Widget (就像您现在所做的那样)。 This is because Modal attaches itself to the DOM, bypassing any GWT mechanism (actually, it conflicts with it). 这是因为Modal绕过任何GWT机制(实际上与之冲突)将自己附加到DOM。

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