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[英]Redirect an include in PHP without redirecting main page

I have a site with an index.php that looks like this: 我有一个带有index.php的网站,看起来像这样:

include_once 'config.php';
include_once 'dbconn.php';


<p>Some content</p>
<?php include_once 'loginform.php'; ob_end_flush(); ?>

loginform.php checks the user cookie to see if they are logged in, and if so redirects to account.php: loginform.php检查用户cookie以查看他们是否已登录,如果是,则将其重定向到account.php:

$regAddr = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE address = '$addr'");
$addrRow = mysqli_num_rows($regAddr);

//check if address is in db
if($addrRow !== 0) {
    header("Location: account.php");

If they aren't logged in it displays a login form. 如果未登录,则会显示一个登录表单。 I have two problems here: 我这里有两个问题:

  1. If I remove the ob_start() and ob_end_flush(), the headers get sent on the include line, and I can't redirect. 如果删除ob_start()和ob_end_flush(),则会在包含行上发送标头,并且无法重定向。
  2. If I leave them and the user is logged in, the whole index.php is redirected to account.php. 如果我离开它们,并且用户已登录,则整个index.php都将重定向到account.php。

Is there any way to redirect login.php to account.php while keeping index.php static(not refreshing) and without using iframes? 有什么方法可以将login.php重定向到account.php,同时保持index.php静态(不刷新)并且不使用iframe?

No. The Whole document will be redirected because you're asuming that loginform.php will behave like an iframe, but instead it behaves like part of the whole document. 不会。整个文档将被重定向,因为您假设loginform.php的行为类似于iframe,但其行为却像整个文档的一部分。

You have a bunch of available options to achieve that... Using an Iframe is something I would not recommend, but instead use a class or a function that validates the user login, then includes a file depending on that result. 您可以使用很多选项来实现...我不建议使用iframe,而是使用可验证用户登录名的类或函数,然后根据该结果包含一个文件。

if($logedin) {
} else {

Obviously, this can be achieved in a lot of ways, I recommend using classes that validate sessions and a class that will render the views so you don't have to repeat the HTML headers or stuff like that for every view you're gonna load. 显然,这可以通过多种方式实现,我建议使用用于验证会话的类和将呈现视图的类,这样您就不必为要加载的每个视图重复HTML标头或类似的内容。

Real code I use for one of my systems. 我在其中一个系统上使用的真实代码。


class AdminViewRender {

    public static function render() {
        $request = "home";
        $baseFolder = "../views/admin/";

        //index.php?url=theURLGoesHere -> renders theURLGoesHere.php if
        //exists, else redirects to the default page: home.php
        if(isset($_GET["url"])) {
            if(file_exists($baseFolder.$_GET["url"].".php")) {
                $request = $_GET["url"];
            } else {
                header("Location: home");

        $inc = $baseFolder.$request.".php";
        if($request !== "login") { //if you are not explicitly requesting login.php 
            $admin = new Admin();
            if($admin->validateAdminSession()) { //I have a class that tells me if the user is loged in or not
                AdminPanelHTML::renderTopPanelFrame(); //renders <html>, <head>.. ETC
                include($inc); //Includes requestedpage
                AdminPanelHTML::renderBottomPanelFrame(); //Renders some javascript at the bottom and the </body></html>
            } else {
                include($baseFolder."login.php"); //if user validation (login) fails, it renders the login form.
        } else {
            include($inc); //renders login form because you requested it



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