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[英]I am trying to create a circular LinkedList Please tell me if its a correct way to do it

i have implemented logic like if i am giving a index that is not yet there then it will change the index to the reminder (Same like rotated i guess ). 我已经实现了逻辑,例如如果我给出的索引还不存在,它将改变索引的提示(就像旋转,我猜)。

import java.util.LinkedList;

public class MycircularlinkedList extends LinkedList {

    private static int count = 0;

    public Object get(int i) {
        System.out.println("count==" + count);
        if (i > count) {
            i = i % count;
            return super.get(i);

        } else {
            return super.get(i);


    public boolean add(Object o) {

        return true;

    public void add(int i, Object o) {
        if (i > count)
            i = i % count;
        super.add(i, o);

A couple of points I can see: 我可以看到几点:

  1. count is static, this means you're only ever going to have one number here. count是静态的,这意味着您在这里只会有一个数字。 Probably not what you want 可能不是您想要的
  2. count is redundant, use Collection#size() count是多余的,请使用Collection#size()
  3. The great thing about mod ( % ) is that it works for all numbers, you don't need to have the conditional. mod( % )的伟大之处在于它适用于所有数字,您不需要有条件的。 2 % 12 == 14 % 12 == -10 % 12
  4. If you're getting rid of the count property, you can get rid of your overridden #add(Object o) logic and just do return super.add(o); 如果要摆脱count属性,则可以摆脱被覆盖的#add(Object o)逻辑,而只是return super.add(o);

我发现您的代码存在一些问题:如果count == 0并且如果我使用方法add(7,obj),则7%0将引发ArithmeticException.count应该声明为private,因为您可能有两个类实例。另外,您还需要检查poll \\ offerLast方法是否满足您的需求,因为您不能限制任何客户端代码来避免使用它们。最后,需要重写clone \\ readObject \\ writeObject才能包含count变量。

You're close. 你近了

(1) The term " circular linked list " is well-known to mean a list where the tail links back to the head (and vice versa if it's a doubly-linked list). (1)术语“ 循环链表 ”是众所周知的,是指尾巴链接回头的列表(反之亦然,如果它是双链表)。 Yours is more like a "circular buffer" stored in a linked list. 您的档案更像是储存在链表中的“圆形缓冲区”。 We could call it LinkedListCircularBuffer or something. 我们可以称其为LinkedListCircularBuffer东西。

(2) The class should be parameterized by the element type, thus (2)该类应通过元素类型进行参数化,因此

public class LinkedListCircularBuffer<E> extends LinkedList<E> {
  public E get(int i) {
    return super.get(i % size()); // simpler and faster without an "if"

(3) You can call size() instead of all the code to maintain another count . (3)您可以调用size()而不是所有代码来维护另一个count

(4) Your add(int i, Object o) method doesn't support the case where i == size() , but you can fix that by not overriding add() at all. (4)您的add(int i, Object o)方法不支持i == size() ,但是您可以通过完全不覆盖add()来解决此问题。

(5) Overridden methods need the @Override annotation. (5)重写的方法需要@Override注释。

(6) It's good style to always put braces around each "then" and "else" clause. (6) 始终在每个“ then”和“ else”子句周围使用花括号是一种很好的样式。 Code like 像这样的代码

if (i > count)
  i = i % count;

is fragile, eg adding a println() statement into that "then" clause will break it. 是脆弱的,例如,在“ then”子句中添加println()语句将破坏它。


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