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[英]Best way to convert a double to String without decimal places

What is the best way to convert a double to String without decimal places?将双精度数转换为不带小数位的字符串的最佳方法是什么?

What about String.valueOf((int) documentNumber)? String.valueOf((int) documentNumber)?

The doubles always have 0 after the decimal dot.双打在小数点后总是有 0。 I don't need to round or truncate我不需要舍入或截断

If you are sure that the double is indeed an integer use this one:如果您确定双精度确实是一个整数,请使用这个:

NumberFormat nf = DecimalFormat.getInstance();
String str = nf.format(documentNumber);

As a bonus, this way you keep your locale's configuration as in thousand separator.作为奖励,通过这种方式,您可以将语言环境的配置保持为千位分隔符。

I add this previously removed option as it seems that was useful to the OP:我添加了这个以前删除的选项,因为它似乎对 OP 很有用:



String numWihoutDecimal = String.valueOf(documentNumber).split("\\.")[0];

You can convert a double to string with the minimum necessary precision:您可以将 double 转换为具有最低必要精度的字符串:

public static String ceonvert(double d)
    if(d == (long) d)
        return String.format("%d",(long)d);
        return String.format("%s",d);

Or this :或这个 :

> new DecimalFormat("#.##").format(2.199); //"2.2"


((int)documentNumber) + ""

鉴于新编辑的问题指出双打实际上是整数,我想说您建议的答案String.valueOf((int) documentNumber)很棒。

The easiest way to convert a double to string is to use quotation marks and then the double after that.将双精度转换为字符串的最简单方法是使用引号,然后使用双引号。 double d = 123;双 d = 123; String a = "" + d;字符串 a = "" + d;

Another way is to use the toString method if you want to keep the way you converted it hidden另一种方法是使用 toString 方法,如果您想隐藏转换它的方式

public String toString()
   String a + ""  d;

I had a similar issue where Gson converted what should have been an Integer value to a Double and I wanted to write it as a String.我有一个类似的问题,Gson 将应该是整数值转换为双精度值,我想将其写为字符串。 NumberFormat works, but you also need to disable the grouping delimiter otherwise it outputs 1,234,567: NumberFormat 有效,但您还需要禁用分组分隔符,否则它会输出 1,234,567:

Object num = new Double(1234567);
NumberFormat nf = DecimalFormat.getIntegerInstance();
String str = nf.format((Number)num);

Quotation Marks + Double引号+双引号

String s = "" + 0.07;字符串 s = "" + 0.07;

LOL this is the best way, (obviously for experienced programmers)!大声笑这是最好的方法,(显然对于有经验的程序员)!

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