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[英]how to grep the word between symbols using perl

I need to grep the word between the symbols as shown below in an array. 我需要在符号之间插入如下所示的数字。

my $string = "hi how r u<what is your name>what is your age";

i need to grep as 我需要grep as

$str = what is yourname;

Or, in Perl: 或者,在Perl中:

$string =~ /\?(.+)\?/;
$result = $1;

You could use capturing groups like below. 您可以使用下面的捕获组。

use strict;
use warnings;
my $line = "hi how r u?what is your name?what is your age";
my @str = $line =~ m/\?([^?]*)\?/g;
print "@str\n";

Output: 输出:

what is your name

You can split your string on this metacharacter. 您可以在此元字符上拆分字符串。

my @results = split /\?/, $string;
print $results[1];

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