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[英]Pure virtual functions and multiple inheritance

I have a (guaranteed tree-shaped) cascade of classes like 我有一个(保证的树形)级联类

class rock_bottom {
    virtual foo() = 0;

class A : rock_bottom {...}

class intermediate: rock_bottom {...}   

class B : intermediate {...}

class higher_up {...}

class C : higher_up {...}

I want to implement foo() in the lettered classes A, B, C. Where do I need to declare foo? 我想在字母类A,B,C中实现foo()。在哪里需要声明foo? (Virtual? Pure?) Do I need (trivial) implementations in the middle layers intermediate and higher_up? (虚拟的?纯的?)我是否需要在中间层中级和Higher_up的(简单的)实现?

Question: 题:

I want to implement foo() in the lettered classes A, B, C. Where do I need to declare foo ? 我想在字母类A,B,C中实现foo()。我需要在哪里声明foo (Virtual? Pure?) (虚拟的?纯净的?)

Answer: 回答:

That question needs to be asked in reverse. 这个问题需要反过来提出。 In which base class does it make sense to create the interface foo . 在哪个基类中创建接口foo才有意义。 Let's take some classes that you might find in application. 让我们来看一些您可能在应用程序中找到的类。

struct Shape {};
struct Rectangle : public Shape {};
struct Square : public Rectangle {};
struct Ellipse : public Shape {};
struct Circle : public Ellipse {};

It makes sense that all Shape be able to return their area and perimeter. 所有Shape都可以返回其面积和周长,这是有道理的。 So you put them as virtual member functions in Shape . 因此,您将它们作为virtual成员函数放在Shape

struct Shape 
   virtual double area() const = 0;
   virtual double perimeter() const = 0;

Before you can create an instance of sub-type of Shape , you must implement them. 在创建Shape的子类型实例之前,必须实现它们。

If you want to be able to create a Rectangle , those functions must be implemented in Rectangle since there are no other intermediate classes. 如果您希望能够创建Rectangle ,则这些功能必须在Rectangle实现,因为没有其他中间类。

If you want to be able to create a Square , those functions must be implemented either in Rectangle , Square , or both. 如果您希望能够创建Square ,则必须在RectangleSquare或两者中实现这些功能。

Similarly, if you want to be able to create a Ellipse , those functions must be implemented in Ellipse since there are no other intermediate classes. 同样,如果您希望能够创建Ellipse ,则这些功能必须在Ellipse实现,因为没有其他中间类。

If you want to be able to create a Circle , those functions must be implemented either in Ellipse , Circle , or both. 如果您希望能够创建Circle ,那么必须在EllipseCircle或两者中都实现这些功能。

However, only Rectangle s have length and width. 但是,只有Rectangle具有长度和宽度。 Only Ellipse s have major radius and minor radius. 只有Ellipse才具有长半径和短半径。 It doesn't make sense to add virtual member functions in Shape to return those values. Shape添加虚拟成员函数以返回这些值没有意义。

Question: 题:

Do I need (trivial) implementations in the middle layers intermediate and higher_up? 我是否需要在中间层中级和Higher_up中实现(琐碎的)实现?

Answer: 回答:

No, you don't. 不,你没有。 The answer to the previous question should clarify that more. 上一个问题的答案应对此进行更多说明。

Each override needs to be declared in the class that implements it; 每个覆盖都需要在实现它的类中声明; in your case, A , B and C , since you say each will provide an override. 在您的情况下, ABC ,因为您说每个都会提供覆盖。

There's no need to declare it in any intermediate class, assuming you're happy for them to remain abstract. 假设您对它们保持抽象感到满意,则无需在任何中间类中声明它。 They inherit the pure function from rock_bottom , and there's no point overriding that with another pure function. 他们从rock_bottom继承了纯函数,而用另一个纯函数覆盖它是没有意义的。

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