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[英]ng-model binding not updates another ng-model on the same object

I have this code 我有这个代码

http://plnkr.co/edit/aycnNVoD96UMbsC7rFmg?p=preview http://plnkr.co/edit/aycnNVoD96UMbsC7rFmg?p=preview

<div data-ng-app="" data-ng-init="names=['One']">

<input type="text" ng-model="names[0]">

  <p>Looping with ng-repeat:</p>
    <li data-ng-repeat="name in names">
      <input type="text" ng-model="name"> {{ name }}


When i change value of name[0] in the first input box it changes values of the second input box. 当我在第一个输入框中更改name [0]的值时,它将更改第二个输入框中的值。 But when i change value of name[0] in the second input box it does not change value of the first input box. 但是,当我在第二个输入框中更改name [0]的值时,它不会更改第一个输入框的值。 Why? 为什么?

如果您将第二个输入绑定到:names [$ index]

<input type="text" ng-model="names[$index]"> {{ name }}

You need to provide $index in your ng-model. 您需要在ng模型中提供 $index

<li data-ng-repeat="name in names">
    <input type="text" ng-model="names[$index]"> {{ name }}

You are binding ng-model="names[0]" . 您正在绑定ng-model="names[0]" So it means that you are binding value on first index of names array. 因此,这意味着您要在names数组的第一个索引上绑定值。

So when we write ng-model="names[$index]" in ng-repeat it means that all values will be bound accordingly into array. 因此,当我们在ng-repeat编写ng-model="names[$index]"时,意味着所有值都将相应地绑定到数组中。 $index is an iterator offset of the repeated element. $index是重复元素的迭代器偏移量。

names[0] = 'One'
names[1] = 'Two'

and so on! 等等!

This is due to ng-repeat creating a child scope, so the reference to name inside the ng-repeat is different to that original one in the names array, see here : 这是由于ng-repeat创建了一个子作用域,因此ng-repeat对name的引用与names数组中的原始引用不同,请参见此处

New AngularJS developers often do not realize that ng-repeat, ng-switch, ng-view and ng-include all create new child scopes, so the problem often shows up when these directives are involved. 新的AngularJS开发人员通常不会意识到ng-repeat,ng-switch,ng-view和ng-include都会创建新的子范围,因此当涉及这些指令时,常常会出现问题。 (See this example for a quick illustration of the problem.) (有关此问题的快速说明,请参见此示例。)

Regarding as to why this happens, when you bind the input to name in names inside the ng-repeat , you are creating a new property on the new child scope created by the ng-repeat called name , and thus the ng-model of the textbox created by the ng-repeat is referencing a different name to that of the actual 0th element of the names array. 至于为何出现这种情况,当你绑定输入名字在里面的名字ng-repeat ,要创建由创建的新子范围的新属性ng-repeat所谓的name ,因此ng-model的ng-repeat创建的文本框引用的名称与names数组的实际第0个元素的名称不同。 As others have pointed out, if you use names[$index] you are implicitly referencing the 0th element of the names array, thus NOT creating a new name property on the child scope created by the ng-repeat . 就像其他人指出的那样,如果使用names[$index] ,则隐式引用了names数组的第0个元素,因此不会ng-repeat创建的子作用域上创建新的name属性。 An angular best practice is not to have ng-models bound to primitives, rather objects, Sandy has mentioned in his answer if you bind to an object you will overcome this, and the 2 other posters have answered this by using $index to refer to the 0th element of the names array. 一个有角度的最佳实践是不要将ng模型绑定到图元,而是绑定到对象,Sandy在他的回答中提到,如果绑定到对象,您将克服这一问题,另外2个发布者通过使用$index引用来回答此问题。名称数组的第0个元素。 This is one of the nucances of scope inheritance in angular . 这是angular中作用域继承的微妙之处之一

A couple more handy links: 几个方便的链接:

Here and here . 在这里这里

Just wanted to give my bit on this. 只是想给我一点点。 Somewhat related to your problem as I see. 我认为与您的问题有关。

<div data-ng-app="" data-ng-init="names=[{value:'One'}, {value:'Two'}]">
  <p>Looping with ng-repeat:</p>
    <li data-ng-repeat="name in names">
      <input type="text" ng-model="name.value"> {{ name }}

Instead of binding the array item directly to the control, I would prefer to create an object of the array and then bind value of each item. 与其直接将数组项绑定到控件,不如创建数组的对象,然后绑定每个项的值。 This way we can avoid reference problems. 这样我们可以避免参考问题。

A working prototype jsfiddle 工作原型jsfiddle

Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

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