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[英]Regular expressions, find matches

This regular expression gives answer 3 for count. 该正则表达式给出答案3。 How can I take only first and second "some" before "hello" ? 我怎样才能在“ hello”之前仅取第一和第二“ some”? Help me, please. 请帮帮我。

string SomeText ="Some some hello some" 
string patternSome = @"some";

RegexOptions RegOptions = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase |RegexOptions.CultureInvariant;
Regex newRegex = new Regex(patternSome, RegOptions );

MatchCollection matches = newRegex.Matches(SomeText);
Console.WriteLine("Count of matches {0}", matches.Count);

You can use lookahead regex: 您可以使用前瞻正则表达式:


RegEx Demo 正则演示

This will match some or Some only if it is followed by a hello . 仅当其后跟一个hello它才匹配someSome

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