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[英]Javascript: how to create multidimensional Array?

var mahasiswa = new Array();

mahasiswa[0] = new Array("100000001", "Alda",  "man",   "1 Mei 1994", "DKV");
mahasiswa[1] = new Array("100000002", "Aldi",  "woman", "2 Mei 1994", "Seni");
mahasiswa[2] = new Array("100000003", "Aldo",  "man",   "3 Mei 1994", "Seni");
mahasiswa[3] = new Array("100000004", "Alfi",  "man",   "4 Mei 1994", "Akutansi");
mahasiswa[4] = new Array("100000005", "Andi",  "man",   "5 Mei 1994", "Seni");
mahasiswa[5] = new Array("10000006" , "Bandri","woman", "6 Mei 1994", "DKV");

how I can print name of woman only? 我怎么只能打印女人的名字? The name is at inex 1 (Alda/Aldi etc). 名称为inex 1 (Alda / Aldi等)。

If you don't really need an array, it would be much easier to use an object. 如果您确实不需要数组,则使用对象会容易得多。

Think of an object as a map with key value. 将对象视为具有键值的映射。

var mahasiswa = [];
  id: "100000001",
  gener: "man",
  someDate: "1 Mei 1994
  id: "100000001",
  gender: "woman",
  someDate: "1 Mei 1994

Then you could use something like this: 然后,您可以使用以下内容:

for(var i=0;i<mahasiswa.length;i++){
  var person = mahasiswa[i];

  if(person.gender === "woman"){ 

If you really need an Array, then do something like this: 如果确实需要数组,请执行以下操作:

for(i=0; i< mahasiswa.length; i++){
   var person = mahasiswa[i]; 
   if(person [2]=='woman'){

Some background infos here: 1) If you initialize an array in Javascript, better use this the [] instead of new Array(). 这里有一些背景信息:1)如果用Java初始化数组,最好使用[]而不是new Array()。 It's much faster (See this: http://jsperf.com/literal-vs-new-23 ) 它要快得多(请参阅: http : //jsperf.com/literal-vs-new-23

2) If possible, use an object over an array. 2)如果可能,请在数组上使用对象。 it's much more flexible 它更加灵活

3) Remember, objects are unsorted where arrays are sorted 3)请记住,对象是未排序的,对数组进行排序

I think the only way is to go through the whole array. 我认为唯一的方法是遍历整个数组。

for(i=0;i<= mahasiswa.length;i++){

otherwise you should rearrange your array and sort it for gender in first dimension. 否则,您应该重新排列数组,并按一维性别对它进行排序。

You can check if the entry is a woman by using this: 您可以使用以下方法检查条目是否为女性:

mahasiswa[n][2] == "woman"

So, using a for loop, you can print out the names of women only: 因此,使用for循环,您只能打印出女性的名字:

for (var i = 0, len = mahasiswa.length; i < len; i++){
  if (mahasiswa[i][2] == "woman"){

But normally, in javascript, you wouldn't define an array like this as an array of arrays, but of objects. 但是通常,在javascript中,您不会将像这样的数组定义为由对象而是对象组成的数组。

Using this structure you can filter and map the array: 使用此结构,您可以过滤映射数组:

mahasiswa.filter( function( item ){ 
   return item[2] == "woman"; 
}).map( function( item ){ 
   return item[1] 
});  // ["Aldi", "Bandri" ]

http://jsfiddle.net/3vwo00ee/ http://jsfiddle.net/3vwo00ee/

You could use filter to get the 'woman' elements, and then just print the name(s) of each of them: 您可以使用过滤器获取'woman'元素,然后仅打印每个元素的名称:

mahasiswa.filter(function (el) {
  return el[2] === 'woman';
}).forEach(function (el) {

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