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[英]Is it possible to use AVAssetExportSession's `exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler:` method when the app is in the background?

I'm working on an iOS app, uploading videos from the Camera Roll, using NSURLSession with a background configuration. 我正在使用iOS应用,使用NSURLSession和后台配置从Camera Roll上传视频。 The user can queue up multiple videos for upload (the queue is executed serially). 用户可以将多个视频排队等待上传(该队列是连续执行的)。

A single upload consists of: 单个上载包括:

  1. Getting an AVURLAsset reference to the PHAsset using PHImageManager's requestAVAssetForVideo method. 使用PHImageManager的requestAVAssetForVideo方法获取对PHAsset的AVURLAsset引用。
  2. Exporting the resource to a temp directory (because you cannot upload straight from the AVURLAsset's URL). 将资源导出到临时目录(因为您不能直接从AVURLAsset的URL上传)。
  3. Uploading the resource using an NSURLSessionUploadTask 使用NSURLSessionUploadTask上传资源

I can queue up multiple videos and the process works well in the foreground. 我可以将多个视频排队,并且该过程在前台运行良好。 They complete one after another. 他们一个接一个地完成。

But if I queue up several videos and then background the app. 但是,如果我排队几个视频,然后使应用程序后台运行。 As soon as execution reaches the exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler: stage it stalls until I foreground the app again. 一旦执行达到exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler:阶段,它就会停顿,直到我再次看到应用程序为止。 (I know this because I'm posting debug statements in local notifications, visible on the lock screen). (我知道这是因为我要在本地通知中发布调试语句,在锁定屏幕上可见)。

Is it possible to use exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler: when the app is backgrounded? 当应用程序后台运行时,是否可以使用exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler:

Edit 1 I've tested this while connected to the debugger and while not, the app never executes the copy command. 编辑1我已经在连接调试器时进行了测试,但没有测试过,该应用程序从不执行复制命令。 But does so only when the app is foregrounded again. 但是只有在再次显示应用程序时才这样做。

Edit 2 I posted a similar question about whether using NSFileManager's copyItemAtURL:toURL:error: is a viable alternative (but I'm seeing the same behavior so don't think it is). 编辑2我张贴了一个类似的问题,关于是否使用NSFileManager的copyItemAtURL:toURL:error:是可行的选择(但是我看到的是相同的行为,所以不要以为是)。

In general, if you need just a little time (up to a few minutes) to finish up some tasks even after the user leaves the app, you just request this from the OS. 通常,即使您只需要一点时间(最多几分钟)来完成某些任务(即使用户离开应用程序后),也只需向OS提出要求即可。 See the Executing Finite Length Tasks section in the Background Execution Chapter. 请参阅“后台执行”一章中的“ 执行有限长度任务”部分。 So, begin the background task when you call exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler , and end it in the completion handler for that method. 因此,在调用exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler时开始后台任务,并在该方法的完成处理程序中结束它。

If you are also using a background NSURLSession . 如果您还使用后台NSURLSession In that case, if the app is not in foreground when the tasks finish, it calls the app delegate's handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession method, which passes a completionHandler block. 在这种情况下,如果任务完成时应用程序不在前台,则它将调用应用程序委托的handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession方法,该方法将传递一个completionHandler块。 One must: 一个必须:

  • Save the completionHandler provided to handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession ; 保存提供给handleEventsForBackgroundURLSessioncompletionHandler

  • Instantiate the NSURLSession with the same background identifier as the original background session; 使用与原始后台会话相同的后台标识符实例化NSURLSession

  • Let the session call the appropriate delegate methods for the completion of the tasks; 让会话调用适当的委托方法来完成任务; and

  • The session will call URLSessionDidFinishEventsForBackgroundURLSession when they're all done, at which point you'd generally call the completionHandler we originally received in the app delegate. 当会话全部完成后,该会话将调用URLSessionDidFinishEventsForBackgroundURLSession这时通常将调用我们最初在应用程序委托中收到的completionHandler

In your case, you will want to defer the call to the saved completionHandler until after all of the asynchronous exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler handlers are done, too. 在您的情况下,您将希望将调用推迟到已保存的completionHandler处理程序,直到所有异步exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler处理程序也都完成之后。 There are bunch of ways you could do that (eg dispatch groups, etc.), but hopefully that illustrates the moving parts involved in this process. 您可以通过多种方式(例如调度组等)进行操作,但希望可以说明此过程中涉及的活动部分。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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