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[英]AVAudioPlayerDelegate doesn't call the method

Here is the method inside a class: 这是类中的方法:

import UIKIt
import Foundation

class notMoving {
    var drumPlayerObject = drumPlayer()
    var fileManagerObject = fileManager1()
    let drumStrength = 1
    var bassStrength = 1
    var synthStrength = 1
    var indexToPlay: Int = 0

    // here we start the drum player.
    func startToPlay()  {
        fileManagerObject.clearPlayedListDrum(drumStrength, KeyNoteOfInstDrum: "C")
        if let indexToPlay = fileManager1().randomizeTheNextInstrument(fileManager1().drums, Strength: drumStrength, KeyNote: "C")  {
            fileManager1().drums[indexToPlay].4 = true
            self.indexToPlay = indexToPlay
        let instrument = fileManager1().drums[self.indexToPlay].0
        let name = fileManager1().drums[self.indexToPlay].1
        let length = fileManager1().drums[self.indexToPlay].2
        let power = fileManager1().drums[self.indexToPlay].3
        let ifplayed = fileManager1().drums[self.indexToPlay].4
        let tempo = Double(fileManager1().drums[self.indexToPlay].5)
        let bridge: Bool = false
        let extention = fileManagerObject.extentionOfFile
        let loops = fileManager1().drumNumberOfLoops()

        drumPlayerObject.play(instrument, name: name, extentionOfFile: extention, 
            length: length, power: power, ifplayed: ifplayed, tempo: tempo, loops: 
            loops, bridge: bridge)

        fileManager1().clearPlayedListDrum(drumStrength, KeyNoteOfInstDrum: "C")

And here is AVAudioPlayerDelegate extension for a drumPlayer class. 这是drumPlayer类的AVAudioPlayerDelegate扩展。

extension drumPlayer : AVAudioPlayerDelegate {
    func audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying(player: AVAudioPlayer!, successfully flag: Bool) {
        println("finished playing \(flag)")
        var notMovingObject = notMoving()

    func audioPlayerDecodeErrorDidOccur(player: AVAudioPlayer!, error: NSError!) {

But audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying doesn't call the startToPlay method after the file is finished.It just only prints "finished playing true" 但是audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying在文件完成后不会调用startToPlay方法。它只会打印“ startToPlay play true”

What I'm doing wrong? 我做错了什么?

您的notMovingObject不会保留在任何地方,因此在程序退出后, audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying()对象将被释放。

I found a solution by creating an instance self.notMovingObject = NotMoving() inside the "func play" of my player. 我通过在播放器的“功能播放”中创建实例self.notMovingObject = NotMoving()找到了解决方案。 So the instance is created only after the player starts. 因此,仅在播放器启动后才创建实例。

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