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配置Tectite PHP Formmail脚本

[英]Configuring Tectite PHP Formmail Script

Im trying to use Tectite Formmail script on a contact form. 我试图在联系表单上使用Tectite Formmail脚本。 I read their documentation on setting it (formmail.php file). 我阅读了有关设置它的文档(formmail.php文件)。 But confused on setting form data receiver's email address. 但在设置表单数据接收者的电子邮件地址时感到困惑。 For example i want to get form data to "admin@zahedkamal.com". 例如,我想将表单数据提供给“admin@zahedkamal.com”。 Can anybody instruct me on setting it? 任何人都可以指导我设置吗? im not good at PHP so not understanding their script properly... 我不擅长PHP所以不能正确理解他们的脚本......

Here is my form code 这是我的表单代码

<form id="contact_us" action="formmail.php" method="post">

        <input type="hidden" name="recipients" value="admin@zahedkamal.com" />

        <input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Form Submission" />

            <div class="form-group">
                <span class="auto-style31">full name </span>
                <input name="Text1" type="text" />

            <div class="form-group">
                <span class="auto-style31">email </span>
                <input name="Text2" data-validation="email" type="text" />
            <div class="form-group">
                <span class="auto-style31">volunteer </span>
                <input name="Checkbox1[]" type="checkbox" />

                <span class="auto-style31">stallholder </span>
                <input name="Checkbox1[]" type="checkbox"  />

                <span class="auto-style31">sponsorship </span>
                <input name="Checkbox1[]" type="checkbox" />

                <span class="auto-style31">membership </span>
                <input name="Checkbox1[]" type="checkbox"  />

            <div class="form-group">
                <span class="auto-style26">other</span>

                <textarea name="TextArea1" cols="20" rows="1"></textarea>


            <input type="reset" value="reset" /><span class="auto-style31">
            <input class="auto-style31" name="Submit1" style="width: 70px" type="submit" value="submit" />

Just saw this now, so I'm answering even though it's probably too late! 刚刚看到这个,所以即使它可能为时已晚,我正在回答!

The best way to get support for Tectite FormMail is to email us via our contact email address. 获得Tectite FormMail支持的最佳方式是通过我们的联系电子邮件地址给我们发送电子邮件。

Your $TARGET_EMAIL setting in FormMail should be: FormMail中的$ TARGET_EMAIL设置应为:

$TARGET_EMAIL = array('^admin@zahedkamal\.com$');

Hope that helps! 希望有所帮助!

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