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[英]Conditional registering decorator for open-generic with autofac

I have these open-generics: 我有这些开放式仿制药:

public interface IQuery<out TResult> {}

public interface ICacheableQuery<out TResult> : IQuery<TResult> {
    string CacheKey { get; }

public interface IQueryHandler<in TQuery, out TResult> 
    where TQuery : IQuery<TResult> {
    TResult Handle(TQuery query);

and this single decorator: 而这个装饰者:

public class CacheableQueryHandlerDecorator<TQuery, TResult>
    : IQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult>
    where TQuery : ICacheableQuery<TResult> {

    public TResult Handle(TQuery query) {
        // doing stuffs....

What I want is to register decorator only for queries which are implementing ICacheableQuery<out TResult> . 我想要的是只为正在实现ICacheableQuery<out TResult>查询注册装饰器。 I'm registering components like this: 我正在注册这样的组件:

       .AsClosedTypesOf(typeof (IQueryHandler<,>))

    fromKey: "queryHandler");

But it registers the decorator for all types. 但它注册所有类型的装饰器。 Any idea? 任何想法? Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Unfortunately, Autofac hasn't got this feature out-of-the-box. 不幸的是,Autofac还没有开箱即用的功能。 However, it can be achieved implementing a RegistrationSource: 但是,它可以实现RegistrationSource:

public interface IGenericDecoratorRegistrationBuilder : IHideObjectMembers
    IGenericDecoratorRegistrationBuilder Decorator(Type decoratorType, Func<Type, bool> filter = null, Func<Type, IEnumerable<Parameter>> paramsGetter = null); 

public static class GenericDecorators
    public class GenericDecoratorRegistration
        public Type Type;
        public Func<Type, bool> Filter;
        public Func<Type, IEnumerable<Parameter>> ParamsGetter;

    class GenericDecoratorRegistrationBuilder : IGenericDecoratorRegistrationBuilder
        readonly List<GenericDecoratorRegistration> decorators = new List<GenericDecoratorRegistration>();

        public IEnumerable<GenericDecoratorRegistration> Decorators
            get { return decorators; }

        public IGenericDecoratorRegistrationBuilder Decorator(Type decoratorType, Func<Type, bool> filter, Func<Type, IEnumerable<Parameter>> paramsGetter)
            if (decoratorType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("decoratorType");

            if (!decoratorType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
                throw new ArgumentException(null, "decoratorType");

            var decorator = new GenericDecoratorRegistration
                Type = decoratorType,
                Filter = filter,
                ParamsGetter = paramsGetter


            return this;

    class GenericDecoratorRegistrationSource : IRegistrationSource
        readonly Type decoratedType;
        readonly IEnumerable<GenericDecoratorRegistration> decorators;
        readonly object fromKey;
        readonly object toKey;

        public GenericDecoratorRegistrationSource(Type decoratedType, IEnumerable<GenericDecoratorRegistration> decorators, object fromKey, object toKey)
            this.decoratedType = decoratedType;
            this.decorators = decorators;
            this.fromKey = fromKey;
            this.toKey = toKey;

        public bool IsAdapterForIndividualComponents
            get { return true; }

        public IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration> RegistrationsFor(Service service, Func<Service, IEnumerable<IComponentRegistration>> registrationAccessor)
            var swt = service as IServiceWithType;
            KeyedService ks;
            if (swt == null ||
                (ks = new KeyedService(fromKey, swt.ServiceType)) == service ||
                !swt.ServiceType.IsGenericType || swt.ServiceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != decoratedType)
                return Enumerable.Empty<IComponentRegistration>();

            return registrationAccessor(ks).Select(cr => new ComponentRegistration(
                    BuildActivator(cr, swt),
                    new[] { toKey != null ? (Service)new KeyedService(toKey, swt.ServiceType) : new TypedService(swt.ServiceType) },

        DelegateActivator BuildActivator(IComponentRegistration cr, IServiceWithType swt)
            var limitType = cr.Activator.LimitType;
            var actualDecorators = decorators
                .Where(d => d.Filter != null ? d.Filter(limitType) : true)
                .Select(d => new { Type = d.Type, Parameters = d.ParamsGetter != null ? d.ParamsGetter(limitType) : Enumerable.Empty<Parameter>() })

            return new DelegateActivator(cr.Activator.LimitType, (ctx, p) =>
                var typeArgs = swt.ServiceType.GetGenericArguments();
                var service = ctx.ResolveKeyed(fromKey, swt.ServiceType);

                foreach (var decorator in actualDecorators)
                    var decoratorType = decorator.Type.MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
                    var @params = decorator.Parameters.Concat(new[] { new TypedParameter(swt.ServiceType, service) });
                    var activator = new ReflectionActivator(decoratorType, new DefaultConstructorFinder(), new MostParametersConstructorSelector(),
                        @params, Enumerable.Empty<Parameter>());
                    service = activator.ActivateInstance(ctx, @params);

                return service;

    public static IGenericDecoratorRegistrationBuilder RegisterGenericDecorators(this ContainerBuilder builder, Type decoratedServiceType, object fromKey, object toKey = null)
        if (builder == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("builder");

        if (decoratedServiceType == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("decoratedServiceType");

        if (!decoratedServiceType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
            throw new ArgumentException(null, "decoratedServiceType");

        var rb = new GenericDecoratorRegistrationBuilder();
        builder.RegisterCallback(cr => cr.AddRegistrationSource(new GenericDecoratorRegistrationSource(decoratedServiceType, rb.Decorators, fromKey, toKey)));

        return rb;

Sample usage: 样品用法:

public interface IGeneric<T>
    void SomeMethod();

class IntImpl : IGeneric<int>
    public void SomeMethod() { }

class StringImpl : IGeneric<string>
    public void SomeMethod() { }

class GenericDecorator<T> : IGeneric<T>
    IGeneric<T> target;

    public GenericDecorator(IGeneric<T> target)
        this.target = target;

    public void SomeMethod()

static void Configure(ContainerBuilder builder)

    builder.RegisterGenericDecorators(typeof(IGeneric<>), "generic")
        // applying decorator to IGeneric<string> only
        .Decorator(typeof(GenericDecorator<>), t => typeof(IGeneric<string>).IsAssignableFrom(t));

Please note 请注意

  • You must key the registrations of decorated components because (as far as I know) there's no way to override these with dynamic registrations provided by the RegistrationSource. 您必须键入装饰组件的注册,因为(据我所知),无法通过RegistrationSource提供的动态注册覆盖这些注册。

  • In this solution the decorated component inherits the configuration of the decorated one (scoping, sharing, ownership, etc) 在此解决方案中,装饰组件继承了装饰组件的配置(范围,共享,所有权等)

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