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[英]Python: Send cookie with urllib2

I need is to send the value of a cookie to a web eg google.com . 我需要将Cookie的值发送到网络,例如google.com

I've tried cookielib, but by asking "headers" cookie does not leave me . 我已经尝试过cookielib,但是通过询问“标题” cookie并不会离开我。 How can I send? 我该如何发送?

As far is I know, the only way to do this is to build a custom URL opener and include HTTPCookieProcessor in its list of handlers. 据我所知,唯一的方法是构建一个自定义URL打开器,并将HTTPCookieProcessor包含在其处理程序列表中。

It is possible to override the default handler or to simply define your own urlopen() that uses the cookie jar 可以覆盖默认处理程序,也可以简单地定义您自己的使用cookie罐的urlopen()

cookiejar = cookielib.CookieJar()
cookie_handler = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookiejar)
# build_opener() automatically adds default handlers up front
opener = urllib2.build_opener(cookie_handler)

# override global opener

# alternative version that does not override the global opener
def myurlopen(url, data=None):
  req = urllib2.Request(url)
  return opener.open(req, data)

# add a custom cookie
cookie = cookielib.Cookie(
   None,                 # version
   'Header', 'value',    # name, value
   port, False,          # port, port_specified
   'example.org', True, False  # domain, domain_specified, domain_initial_dot
   '/', True,            # path, path_specified
   False,                # secure (needs https)
   None,                 # expires
   False,                # discard
   None, None,           # comment, comment_url
   False                 # rest

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