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[英]Need Javascript or jquery code to pass data to controller

Everytime <a> tag is pressed i need to submit form. 每次按下<a>标记,我都需要提交表单。 I need to keep track the number of times <a> tag is pressed. 我需要跟踪<a>标签被按下的次数。 It starts with 3 and every time its is submitted we increment by 6. I need to pass this number to GetArticleData Controller using Action Method. 它以3开头,并且每次提交时我们都增加6。我需要使用操作方法将此数字传递给GetArticleData Controller。

  Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_MasterLayout.cshtml";
  AjaxOptions ajaxOpts = new AjaxOptions
    UpdateTargetId = "tableBody",
    Url = Url.Action("GetArticleData")

<div class="headlines-show-more">
    <a class="button-add-content"  href="#">Show More News</a>

<div id="tableBody">

Controller 控制者

public PartialViewResult GetArticleData()
  HomePageModel model = new HomePageModel();
  return PartialView(model);

Partial View 部分视图

@model Models.HomePageModel

@foreach(var item in Model.HeadlinesNews.Skip(0).Reverse().Take(9))
  <a  href="@Url.Action("Index", "Article", new { id =   item.PKNewsId, title = item.NewsTitle.Replace(' ', '-') })">
      <img src="@Url.Content("~/Uploads/Images/" + item.Image)">

You GetArticleData() does not take any parameters indicating the skip and take values, and no where on the client do you store the values. GetArticleData()不会使用任何参数来指示“ skip和“ take值,并且在客户端上的任何位置都不会存储值。 Its not even clear why the model in the partial is HomePageModel when all you want is a collection of News items. 甚至不清楚,当您想要的只是一个News项目的集合时,为什么部分模型是HomePageModel And there is no reason for a form (its a GET method). 而且没有理由使用表格(它是GET方法)。

The basic approach is 基本方法是

public PartialViewResult GetArticleData(int skipCount, int takeCount)
  // return a collection of news items based on skip and take, for example
  var model = (from news in db.News orderby news.ID select news).Skip(skipCount).Take(takeCount);
  if (model.Any())
    return PartialView(model);
    return null; // let the client know there is no point calling this again

Partial view 部分视图

@model IEnumerable<News>
@foreach(var item in Model)
  // Generate html for a news item

Main View 主视图

<button id="more">Show more news</button>
<div id="news">
  // Initially display the first 3 items
  @Html.Action("GetArticleData", new { skipCount = 0, takeCount = 3 })

  var skip = 3; // start at the 4th record
  var take = 6; // return 6 records at a time
  var hasMoreRecords = true;
  var url = '@Url.Action("GetArticleData")';
  $('#more').click(function() {
    if (!hasMoreRecords) {
    $.get(url, { skipCount: skip, takeCount: take }, function(response) {
      if (!response) {
        hasMoreRecords = false; // signal no more records to display
      } else {
        $("#news").append(response); // append the returned html
        skip += take; // update for next iteration

Make a json object like this. 制作一个像这样的json对象。

$("#submit").click(function () {
            var ContactID = $("#txtContactId").val();
            var Name = $("#Name").val();
            var Gender = $("#Gender").val();
            var DOB = $("#DOB").val();
            var Photo = $("#Phto").val();
            var PersonTypeID = $("#PersonTypeID").val();
            var Address1 = $("#txtAddress1").val();
            //var Address2 = $("#txtAddress2").val();
            var City = $("#txtCity").val();
            var State = $("#txtState").val();
            var PostalCode = $("#txtPostalCode").val();
            var VatNo = $("#txtVatNo").val();
            var RegNo = $("#txtRegNo").val();
            var Phone = $("#txtPhone").val();
            var Email = $("#txtEmail").val();
            var AdrKey = $("#AdrID").val();

                url: "Person/Create",
                data: {
                    //'ContactID': ContactID,
                    'Company': Company,
                    'Status': Status,
                    'IsActive': IsActive,
                    'Comments': Comments,
                    'Country': Country,
                    'Address1': Address1,
                    //'Address2': Address2,
                    'City': City,
                    'State': State,
                    'PostalCode': PostalCode,
                    'VatNo': VatNo,
                    'RegNo': RegNo,
                    'Phone': Phone,
                    'Email': Email
                dataType: "json",
                type: 'POST',
                success: function (data) {
                    alert("Successfully Inserted!");
                error: function () {


Post the json function back to controller on submit. 在提交时将json函数发布回控制器。 Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

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