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[英]Initialize read only array only once

I have a class that needs to use some big arrays, initialized via some complex functions, that will be the same for every instance and will only be read after initialization. 我有一个需要使用一些大型数组的类,这些数组是通过一些复杂的函数初始化的,每个实例都相同,并且只有在初始化后才能读取。

I searched on SO and found some answers on initializing static arrays like this: 我在SO上进行搜索,找到了一些初始化静态数组的答案,如下所示:

char A::a[6] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};

But in my case I need to calculate the arrays at runtime via some function. 但就我而言,我需要在运行时通过某些函数计算数组。 (How) can I do it? (我该怎么做?

Re 回覆

will be the same for every instance and will only be read after initialization 对于每个实例都是相同的,并且只有在初始化后才能读取

Producing a value is the job of a function. 产生值是功能的工作。

Just define a function that returns the data you need. 只需定义一个返回所需数据的函数即可。

You can use it to initialize a static data member (or whatever). 您可以使用它来初始化静态数据成员(或其他)。 For a header only module, if that's relevant, you will need to employ solution to the "inline data" problem, eg a Meyers' singleton (a function that returns a reference to a local static variable). 对于仅标题的模块,如果相关的话,您将需要采用解决“内联数据”问题的解决方案,例如Meyers的单例(返回对局部静态变量的引用的函数)。 Like this: 像这样:

#include <vector>

namespace my {
    using std::vector;

    auto squares()
        -> vector<int>
        vector<int> result;
        for( int i = 1; i <= 12; ++i ) { result.push_back( i*i ); }
        return result;

    class A
        auto a()
            -> const vector<int>&
            static const vector<int> the_values = squares();
            return the_values;

}  // namespace my

You can't use {} sintaxis in execution time, you can use a method: 您不能在执行时使用{} sintaxis,可以使用以下方法:

class A
   static vector<char> a;
   static void initStatic();

void A::initStatic()
    a.resize( /*put the size here... */);
    for (auto& x : a)
        x = //something...

vector reference: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector 矢量参考: http//en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector

If you aren't using vectors, this works. 如果您不使用向量,则可以使用。 The reason I let A::initialize do the work, rather than just calling one of these externally defined functions, is that we can and should expect the data member a to be private. 我之所以让A::initialize完成这项工作,而不仅仅是调用这些外部定义的函数之一,是因为我们可以而且应该期望数据成员a是私有的。

//Declare a function pointer type, so you can pass it into A's
//an initialization function takes in the array and its size
typedef void (*initFunction) (char A[], int arraySize); 
//see http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/function-pointers.html
//  for more on function pointers

class A
  void initialize (initFunction myInitFunction);
  char a[ARRAYSIZE];

void A::initialize (initFunction myInitFunction)
   (*myInitFunction) (a, ARRAYSIZE);  

A myA;
myA.initialize (yourArrayInitializingFunction);

Or maybe your initialization functions don't take in arrays and initialize them, but return arrays: 或者,也许您的初始化函数不接受数组并对其进行初始化,而是返回数组:

class A
  void initialize (const char* aInit);

void A::initialize (const char* aInit)
   for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE: ++i)
     a[i] = aInit[i];


A myA;
myA.initialize (yourArrayReturningFunction ());

If you're using vectors, code is simpler: 如果您使用向量,则代码会更简单:

class A
  void initialize (const vector<char>& aInit) { a = aInit; }
  vector<char> a;

My suggestion: 我的建议:

  1. Instead of using a static member variable, use a static member function to provide access to the array. 代替使用静态成员变量,可以使用静态成员函数来提供对数组的访问。

  2. In the static member function, create a static function variable that can be populated the first time it is needed. 在静态成员函数中,创建一个静态函数变量,该变量可以在第一次需要时填充。

Here's what I am thinking of: 这就是我的想法:

char* A::getArray()
   static char a[6] = {0};
   static bool inited = false;
   if ( !inited )
      // Initialize the array elements 
      a[0] = ...  ;


      a[5] = ...  ;

      inited = true;

   return a;

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