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将unique_ptr引用传递给boost :: bind?

[英]Passing a unique_ptr reference to boost::bind?

I'm on CentOS 6.6 (gcc 4.4.7) and developing with Boost.Asio (1.41). 我使用的是CentOS 6.6(gcc 4.4.7)并使用Boost.Asio(1.41)进行开发。 I'd like io_service to call member function run() in manger object m when it starts. 我希望io_service在manger对象m启动时调用成员函数run() The code I'm trying to compile looks like: 我正在尝试编译的代码如下:

#include <memory>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>

boost::asio::io_service io;
std::unique_ptr<manager> m;
m = std::make_unique<manager>;
io.post(boost::bind(&manager::run, &m));

gcc pitches a fit on the boost::bind statement, which includes: gcc适用于boost::bind语句,其中包括:

/usr/include/boost/bind/mem_fn_template.hpp:40: error: pointer to
member type ‘void (manager::)()’ incompatible with object type
‘std::unique_ptr<manager, std::default_delete<manager> >’

What do I want to be doing here? 我想在这做什么?

The manager object will only know about timers; 经理对象只会知道计时器; a separate object that knows about io_service will get added to its constructor later. 知道io_service的单独对象将在以后添加到其构造函数中。 But the idea is that manager::run() will create an initial set of timers to bootstrap the system. 但是想法是manager::run()将创建一组初始定时器来引导系统。

Clarification: 澄清:

My thinking here is that the outer block of code manages the lifetime of m and that the next statement will be io.run() . 我的想法是外部代码块管理m的生命周期,下一个语句将是io.run() The outer code will destroy m when io.run() returns. io.run()返回时,外部代码将销毁m Hence, passing a raw reference for m to io is appropriate. 因此,将m的原始引用传递给io是合适的。 But I'm a modern C++ novice and could be way off base here. 但我是一个现代的C ++新手,可能会离开这里。

You'd need C++-14 and generalized lambda capture to make this work -- you'd need to move the unique pointer into the lambda. 你需要C ++ - 14和广义lambda捕获才能使它工作 - 你需要将唯一指针移动到lambda中。 Instead, just use a shared_ptr , which std::bind understands natively: 相反,只需使用一个shared_ptrstd::bind本身可以理解:

std::shared_ptr<manager> m;
m = std::make_shared<manager>();
io.post(std::bind(&manager::run, std::move(m)));

The std::move is optional but ensures that m doesn't keep the manager around when it's not wanted. std::move是可选的,但确保m不会在不需要时保持经理。

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