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[英]scalaz-stream: how to chunk with concatenation?

Is there an idiomatic way to chunk and concatenate? 有没有惯用的方式来分块和连接?

The ways that I've found (examples for bytes): 我发现的方式(字节示例):

    1. 1。
import scodec.bits.ByteVector    

def byteChunk(n: Int): Process1[ByteVector, ByteVector] =
    process1.chunk(n).map(_.reduce(_ ++ _))

But the intermediate Vector (from chunk ) isn't really needed in this case. 但是在这种情况下,实际上并不需要中间Vector (来自chunk )。

  1. Based on copy/paste from process1.chunk: 基于来自process1.chunk的复制/粘贴:
def byteChunk(n: Int): Process1[ByteVector, ByteVector] = {

  def go(m: Int, acc: ByteVector): Process1[ByteVector, ByteVector] =
    if (m <= 0) {
      emit(acc) ++ go(n, ByteVector.empty)
    } else {
      def fallback = if (acc.nonEmpty) emit(acc) else halt
      receive1Or[ByteVector, ByteVector](fallback) { in =>
        go(m - 1, acc ++ in)

  go(n, ByteVector.empty)

Is there a way to do the same with combining the existing Process 'es? 是否可以通过合并现有Process来做到这一点?

A side question: could repeat be used instead of ++ go ? 附带问题:可以repeat使用而不是++ go吗? Is this the same as the previous: 这和以前的一样吗?

def byteChunk(n: Int): Process1[ByteVector, ByteVector] = {

  def go(m: Int, acc: ByteVector): Process1[ByteVector, ByteVector] =
    if (m <= 0) emit(acc)
    else ...

  go(n, ByteVector.empty).repeat

I think you could simplify this a bit using take , last and scanMonoid 我认为您可以使用takelastscanMonoid简化此scanMonoid

def byteChunk(n: Int): Process1[ByteVector, ByteVector] = {
  process1.take[ByteVector](n).scanMonoid.last ++ Process.suspend(go(n))

(or replace scanMonoid with something like .scan(ByteVector.empty)((acc, x: ByteVector) => acc ++ x) if you do not wish to implement Monoid[ByteVector] ). (或更换scanMonoid喜欢的东西.scan(ByteVector.empty)((acc, x: ByteVector) => acc ++ x) ,如果你不希望实现Monoid[ByteVector]

It also appears that Process.repeat will work instead of ++ Process.suspend(go(n)) and the way Process.repeat is implemented suggests it will be true as long as byteChunk(n) is pure. 似乎还可以使用Process.repeat代替++ Process.suspend(go(n))并且只要byteChunk(n)是纯净的,实现Process.repeat的方式就将是正确的。

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