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没有收到Phonegap iOS推送通知

[英]Phonegap iOS push notifications not received

We manage a push notifications for both platforms iOS and Android. 我们管理iOS和Android平台的推送通知。 The procedure for Android is well, the device has been registered to GCM and the notifications are received. Android的程序很好,该设备已注册到GCM并收到通知。 The problem is with APNS for iOS, the notifications are not received! 问题是APNS for iOS,没有收到通知! even the device had been registered correctly and APNS generated a token for the device. 即使设备已正确注册,APNS也会为设备生成令牌。

Below are the Javascript for receiving push and PHP code for sending messages. 下面是用于接收推送的Javascript和用于发送消息的PHP代码。

Javascript code for receiving push: 用于接收推送的Javascript代码:

var pushNotification;
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReadyEvent, false);

function onDeviceReadyEvent(){
pushNotification = window.plugins.pushNotification;

var sk_deviceplatform = device.platform;
sk_deviceplatform = sk_deviceplatform.toLowerCase();

if(sk_deviceplatform === 'android'){
pushNotification.register(successHandler, errorHandler, {"senderID":"XXXXXXXXX","ecb":"onNotificationGCM"});
} else {
pushNotification.register(tokenHandler, errorHandler, {"badge":"true","sound":"true","alert":"true","ecb":"onNotificationAPN"});

function tokenHandler(result) {
    console.log("Token: " + result);
    alert("Token: "+ result);

function errorHandler(error) {
    console.log("Error: " + error); 
    alert('Error:' + error);

    function onNotificationAPNS(e){
    if(e.alert.title) {
    $.mobile.changePage( "handle_notifications.html?id="+e.eventid, { transition: "slide"} );
    if(e.sound) {
    var skpn_snd = new Media(e.sound);
    if (e.badge) {
    pushNotification.setApplicationIconBadgeNumber(successHandler, errorHandler, e.badge);
    if (e.foreground===0){
    // when application is not active
    navigator.notification.alert(e.alert.title, null, 'News Notification', 'OK');          

PHP code for sending push: 用于发送推送的PHP代码:


// charset header for output
header('content-type: text/html; charset: utf-8');
   $deviceIds = array(/* get all devices token ids from the database */);
// this is where you can customize your notification

$body['aps'] = array(
    'badge' => +1,
    'alert' => "News Event!",
    'sound' => 'default'

$payload = json_encode($body);
// start to create connection
$ctx = stream_context_create();
stream_context_set_option($ctx, 'ssl', 'local_cert', "XXXX.pem");
stream_context_set_option($ctx, 'ssl', 'passphrase', "XXXXXXX");
foreach ($deviceIds as $item_device) {    
// Open a connection to the APNS server
$fp = stream_socket_client('ssl://gateway.push.apple.com:2195', $err, $errstr, 60, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT | STREAM_CLIENT_PERSISTENT, $ctx);
if(!$fp){ exit("Failed to connect: $err $errstr" . '<br />');}else{/* service online */}
// Build the binary notification
$msg_notification = chr(0) . pack('n', 32) . pack('H*', $item_device) . pack('n', strlen($payload)) . $payload;     
// Send it to the server
$result = fwrite($fp, $msg_notification, strlen($msg_notification));     
if (!$result) { echo 'Undelivered message count: ' . $item_device . '<br />';}
else { /* notifications are sent */ }
if ($fp){
     ## check for errors
     $apple_error_response = fread($fp, 6); //byte1=always 8, byte2=StatusCode, bytes3,4,5,6=identifier(rowID). Should return nothing if OK.
       //NOTE: Make sure you set stream_set_blocking($fp, 0) or else fread will pause your script and wait forever when there is no response to be sent.
       if ($apple_error_response) {
            $error_response = unpack('Ccommand/Cstatus_code/Nidentifier', $apple_error_response); //unpack the error response (first byte 'command" should always be 8)
            if ($error_response['status_code'] == '0') {
                $error_response['status_code'] = '0-No errors encountered';

            } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '1') {
                $error_response['status_code'] = '1-Processing error';

            } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '2') {
                $error_response['status_code'] = '2-Missing device token';

            } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '3') {
                $error_response['status_code'] = '3-Missing topic';

            } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '4') {
                $error_response['status_code'] = '4-Missing payload';

            } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '5') {
                $error_response['status_code'] = '5-Invalid token size';

            } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '6') {
                $error_response['status_code'] = '6-Invalid topic size';

            } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '7') {
                $error_response['status_code'] = '7-Invalid payload size';

            } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '8') {
                $error_response['status_code'] = '8-Invalid token';

            } else if ($error_response['status_code'] == '255') {
                $error_response['status_code'] = '255-None (unknown)';

            } else {
                $error_response['status_code'] = $error_response['status_code'].'-Not listed';
            echo '<br><b>ERROR</b> Response Command:<b>' . $error_response['command'] . '</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Identifier:<b>' . $error_response['identifier'] . '</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Status:<b>' . $error_response['status_code'] . '</b><br>';
            echo 'Identifier is the rowID (index) in the database that caused the problem, and Apple will disconnect you from server. To continue sending Push Notifications, just start at the next rowID after this Identifier.<br>';

$_ENV['connection_status'] = 'The connection has been closed by the client' . '<br />';

When we send a message, there is no errors and every think is well, but the push notifications are not received. 当我们发送消息时,没有错误,每个想法都很好,但是没有收到推送通知。 The problem is either inside the PHP script or with the apache cordova script... 问题是在PHP脚本内部或使用apache cordova脚本...

Thank you for your suggestions... 谢谢你的建议...

You forgot to install these two cordova plugins. 你忘了安装这两个cordova插件。

https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-device https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-device

https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-console https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-console

Because these two, you can't detect your device type and console your output. 因为这两个,您无法检测您的device typeconsole您的输出。

We had found the problem...We tried to send push via APNS with development certificate using the production connection server. 我们发现了问题...我们尝试使用生产连接服务器通过带有开发证书的APNS发送推送。 For production, use the connection below: 对于生产,请使用以下连接:


For development, use the connection below: 要进行开发,请使用以下连接:


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