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使用angularjs ng-options和ng-change时发送选项对象

[英]send the option object when using angularjs ng-options and ng-change

I having an array of objects which I am passing to the ng-options,the array contains objects of currencies in the next pattern: 我有一个对象数组,我传递给ng-options,该数组包含下一个模式中的货币对象:

        "cur_iso": "ILS",
            "cur_symbol": "\u20aa",
            "cur_name_he": "\u05e9\u05e7\u05dc",
            "cur_rate_in_nis": "1.0000",
    }, {
        "cur_iso": "USD",
            "cur_symbol": "$",
            "cur_name_he": "\u05d3\u05d5\u05dc\u05e8",
            "cur_rate_in_nis": "3.8580"

I am using ng-options to make a select from this array. 我正在使用ng-options从这个数组中进行选择。

<select ng-model="bindCurrencyModel" ng-init="bindCurrencyModel='ILS'" 
ng-options="currency.cur_iso as currency.cur_symbol+' '+currency.cur_name_he for currency in currencies track by currency.cur_iso" 

when user is changing the selection I want to update 2 fields: bindCurrencyModel with the cur_iso value and bindRateModel with the cur_rate_in_nis value. 当用户更改选择时,我想更新2个字段: bindCurrencyModelcur_iso值和bindRateModelcur_rate_in_nis值。

so I had created the next method: 所以我创建了下一个方法:


the and set ng-change="setCurrency(currency)" but the problem is I am getting: 和设置ng-change =“setCurrency(货币)”但问题是我得到的:

   TypeError: Cannot read property 'cur_rate_in_nis' of undefined

another strange behavior is empty line I am getting in the beginning of the select. 另一个奇怪的行为是我在选择的开头得到的空行。

to see all the code I had created a fiddle.... 看到我创造了一个小提琴的所有代码....

http://jsfiddle.net/d9esbgjf/5/ http://jsfiddle.net/d9esbgjf/5/


The short version is as follows: 简短版本如下:

Change your <select> markup to the following: <select>标记更改为以下内容:

<select ng-model="selectedCurrency" ng-init="selectedCurrency=currencies[0]" 
    ng-options="currency as currency.cur_symbol+' '+currency.cur_name_he for currency in currencies track by currency.cur_iso" 

Change your $scope.setCurrency() method to the following: $scope.setCurrency()方法更改为以下内容:

$scope.setCurrency = function (currency) {
    $scope.bindRateModel = parseFloat(currency.cur_rate_in_nis);
    $scope.bindCurrencyModel = currency.cur_iso;

Why does this work? 为什么这样做?

The first difference is that I am binding the whole currency object to a new selectedCurrency scope property. 第一个区别是我将整个currency对象绑定到一个新的selectedCurrency范围属性。 This gives you access to the whole object, not just the cur_iso property. 这使您可以访问整个对象,而不仅仅是cur_iso属性。 This saves you having to look through the currencies array to find the full object. 这样可以节省您查看currencies数组以查找完整对象的麻烦。

Then I changed the ng-change expression to pass in this whole object to $scope.setCurrency using the scope property that it is bound to. 然后我更改了ng-change表达式,使用它绑定的scope属性将整个对象传递给$scope.setCurrency This allows that method access to the full object. 这允许该方法访问完整对象。

Finally, you need to set $scope.bindCurrencyModel inside the $scope.setCurrency() function, so that it will equal just the field that you are interested in. 最后,您需要在$scope.setCurrency()函数中设置$scope.bindCurrencyModel ,以便它只等于您感兴趣的字段。

You're doing some strange things here, I think you could simplify it a lot. 你在这里做了一些奇怪的事情,我想你可以简化它。

Firstly, setCurrency(currency) will be evaluated against the scope. 首先,将根据范围评估setCurrency(currency) As you never define a field currency on the scope then this will always be undefined. 由于您从未在范围上定义字段currency ,因此始终未定义。

You're using a lot of extra variables to reference properties that you could just reference directly. 您正在使用许多额外的变量来引用您可以直接引用的属性。 Cleaning this up would make your life much simpler. 清理它会使你的生活更加简单。

Instead of your approach, consider this: 而不是你的方法,考虑这个:

  ng-options="currency as currency.cur_symbol + ' '
              + currency.cur_name_he for currency in currencies">

We removed ng-change and make the selectedCurrency the model, which references the whole currency object not just the ISO symbol. 我们删除了ng-change并将selectedCurrency作为模型,该模型引用整个货币对象而不仅仅是ISO符号。

Now you can do this: 现在你可以这样做:

<input type="number" 

And {{selectedCurrency.cur_iso}} for example would be the ISO code. 例如{{selectedCurrency.cur_iso}}将是ISO代码。

Finally to remove the blank line at the start of the select, initialise the value.. eg: 最后,在select的开头删除空行,初始化值。例如:

$scope.currencies = [{
    "cur_iso": "ILS",
        "cur_symbol": "\u20aa",
        "cur_name_he": "\u05e9\u05e7\u05dc",
        "cur_rate_in_nis": 1.0000,
        "cur_last_update": "",
        "cur_order": "1",
        "cur_available": "1"
}, {
    "cur_iso": "USD",
        "cur_symbol": "$",
        "cur_name_he": "\u05d3\u05d5\u05dc\u05e8",
        "cur_rate_in_nis": 3.8580,
        "cur_last_update": "2015-02-24 13:34:25",
        "cur_order": "2",
        "cur_available": "1"
// Initialise value so select is initially selected on something.
$scope.selectedCurrency = $scope.currencies[0]

Hopefully you see that this jsfiddle is a lot neater and much easier to follow than your original approach. 希望你看到这个jsfiddle比你原来的方法更整洁,更容易遵循。

I believe your setCurrency() method won't have access to currency , only the usual scope variables. 我相信你的setCurrency()方法将无法访问currency ,只能访问通常的范围变量。 In this case the bindCurrencyModel variable could be used. 在这种情况下,可以使用bindCurrencyModel变量。

Update your ng-options to read: 将ng-options更新为:

ng-options="currency as currency.cur_symbol+' '+currency.cur_name_he for currency in currencies track by currency.cur_iso"

This will populate your model with the full object you are expecting in the setCurrency function. 这将使用您在setCurrency函数中期望的完整对象填充模型。

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