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如何从PHP的Tumlbr RSS提要中获取第一张图片

[英]How to get first image from a tumlbr rss feed in PHP

0Here is the relevant part of my rss feed: 0这是我的rss feed的相关部分:

        <generator>Tumblr (3.0; @xxx)</generator>
            <description>&lt;figure&gt;&lt;img src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/c78c7t3abd23423549d3bb0f705/tumblr_inline_nkp9z234d0uj.jpg"/&gt;&lt;/figure&gt;</description>
            <pubDate>Thu, 09 Oct 2014 11:19:33 -0400</pubDate>

Using the answer from other questions on here I tried this: 使用此处其他问题的答案,我尝试了以下方法:

$content = file_get_contents("http://xxx.tumblr.com/rss"); 
$feed = new SimpleXmlElement($content); 
$imgs = $feed->channel->item[0]->description->xpath('//img');
    foreach($imgs as $image) {
            echo (string)$image['src'];     

This is returning an empty array for $imgs 这将为$imgs返回一个空数组

Does it have something to do with the tags being &lt; &gt; 它与&lt; &gt;标签有关吗&lt; &gt; &lt; &gt; etc? 等等?

and if so what can I do? 如果可以,我该怎么办?

You can get it from the description, which seems to include a HTML image tag for the image, by using a simple regular expression with preg_match : 您可以通过使用带有preg_match的简单正则表达式,从描述中获得它,该描述似乎包含图像的HTML图像标签:

$content = file_get_contents("http://xxx.tumblr.com/rss");
$feed    = new SimpleXmlElement($content);
$img     = (string)$feed->channel->item[0]->description;

if (preg_match('/src="(.*?)"/', $img, $matches)) {
    $src = $matches[1];
    echo "src = $src", PHP_EOL;

Output: 输出:

src = http://40.media.tumblr.com/58d24c3009638514325b113859ba369f/tumblr_nk0mwfhKXU1sl87kjo1_500.jpg

Before you can use xapth() on the description, you need to create a new XML document out of it: 在对说明使用xapth()之前,需要从中创建一个新的XML文档:

$url  = "http://xxx.tumblr.com/rss";
$desc = simplexml_load_file($url)->xpath('//item/description[1]')[0];
$src  = simplexml_load_string("<x>$desc</x>")->xpath('//img/@src')[0];

echo $src;

Output: 输出:


I'm not sure if you can use this approach - as already mentioned by kjhughes as comment, your input XML does not contain any img element. 我不确定您是否可以使用这种方法-正如kjhughes作为注释所提到的那样,您的输入XML不包含任何img元素。 But it's possible to retrieve the image source using XPath substring-functions: 但是可以使用XPath substring-functions检索图像源:


Result: 结果:


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