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[英]Why am i seeing lots of sockets in CLOSE_WAIT status when webservice stops working?

My java webservice running on Jetty falls over after a period of a few hours and investigation indicate many sockets in CLOSE_WAIT status. 我在Jetty上运行的java webservice在几个小时之后就会崩溃并且调查表明许多套接字处于CLOSE_WAIT状态。 Whilst it is working ok there seems to be no sockets in CLOSE_WAIT status but when it goes wrong there are loads. 虽然它工作正常但似乎没有CLOSE_WAIT状态的套接字,但是当它出错时会有负载。

I found this definition 我找到了这个定义

CLOSE-WAIT: The local end-point has received a connection termination request and acknowledged it eg a passive close has been performed and the local end-point needs to perform an active close to leave this state. CLOSE-WAIT:本地端点已收到连接终止请求并确认它,例如已执行被动关闭,并且本地端点需要执行主动关闭才能离开此状态。

With netstat on my server I see a list of tcp sockets in CLOSE_WAIT status, the local address is my server and the foreign address my load balancer machine. 在我的服务器上使用netstat,我看到一个CLOSE_WAIT状态的tcp套接字列表,本地地址是我的服务器,外部地址是我的负载均衡器机器。 So I assume this means the client (load balancer) has just terminated the connection at its end in some improper way, and my server has not properly closed the connection at its end. 所以我认为这意味着客户端(负载均衡器)刚刚以某种不正确的方式终止了它的连接,而我的服务器没有正确地关闭它的连接。

But how do I do that, my Java code doesn't deal with low level sockets ? 但是我该怎么做,我的Java代码不处理低级套接字?

Or is the load-balancer terminating connection because of an earlier problem caused by something my server is doing wrong in the code. 或者是负载平衡器终止连接,因为我的服务器在代码中出错了导致的早期问题。

Sounds like a bug in Jetty or JVM, maybe this workaround will work for you: http://www.tux.hk/index.php?entry=entry090521-111844 听起来像是Jetty或JVM中的一个错误,也许这个解决方法对你有用: http ://www.tux.hk/index.php?entry = entry090521-111844

Add the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf 将以下行添加到/etc/sysctl.conf

net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 2
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 2
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 1800

And then execute 然后执行

sysctl -p

or do a reboot 或者重新启动

We have the same problem in our project. 我们的项目存在同样的问题。 I'm not sure that this is your case, but maybe it will be helpful. 我不确定这是你的情况,但也许会有所帮助。

The reason was that a huge number of requests was handled by business logic with synchronized block. 原因是业务逻辑使用synchronized块处理了大量请求。 So when the client sent packets to drop connection, the thread bound to this socket was busy, waiting for monitor. 因此,当客户端发送数据包到drop连接时,绑定到此套接字的线程正忙,等待监视器。

The logs show exceptions for org.eclipse.jetty.io.WriteFlusher at write method: 日志在write方法中显示org.eclipse.jetty.io.WriteFlusher的异常:

DEBUG org.eclipse.jetty.io.WriteFlusher - write - write exception
org.eclipse.jetty.io.EofException: null
    at org.eclipse.jetty.io.ChannelEndPoint.flush
(ChannelEndPoint.java:192) ~[jetty-io-9.2.10.v20150310.jar:9.2.10.v20150310]

and for org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpOutput at close method. 以及close方法中的org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpOutput。 I think that exception at close step is the reason of sockets' CLOSE_WAIT state: 我认为关闭步骤的异常是套接字'CLOSE_WAIT状态的原因:

DEBUG org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpOutput - close -
org.eclipse.jetty.io.EofException: null
    at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection$SendCallback.reset
(HttpConnection.java:622) ~[jetty-server-9.2.10.v20150310.jar:9.2.10.v20150310]

The fast solution in our case was to increase idleTimeout. 在我们的案例中,快速解决方案是增加idleTimeout。 The right solution (again in our case) is code refactoring. 正确的解决方案(在我们的例子中)是代码重构。

So my advice is to carefully read Jetty's logs with DEBUG level to find exceptions and analyze application performance with VisualVM. 所以我的建议是仔细阅读带有DEBUG级别的Jetty日志,以查找异常并使用VisualVM分析应用程序性能。 Maybe the reason is performance bottleneck (synchronized blocks?). 也许原因是性能瓶颈(synchronized blocks?)。

I suspect this could be something causing a long or infinite loop/infinite wait in your server code, and Jetty simply never gets a chance to close the connection (unless there's some sort of timeout that forcibly closes the socket after a certain period). 我怀疑这可能是导致服务器代码长或无限循环/无限等待的事情,Jetty根本没有机会关闭连接(除非在某段时间后强行关闭套接字的某种超时)。 Consider the following example: 请考虑以下示例:

public class TestSocketClosedWaitState
    private static class SocketResponder implements Runnable
        private final Socket socket;

        //Using static variable to control the infinite/waiting loop for testing purposes, with while(true) Eclipse would complain of dead code in writer.close() -line
        private static boolean infinite = true;

        public SocketResponder(Socket socket)
            this.socket = socket;

        public void run()
                PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream()); 

                //Simulating slow response/getting stuck in an infinite loop/waiting something that never happens etc.

                writer.close(); //The socket will stay in CLOSE_WAIT from server side until this line is reached
            catch(Exception e)


    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
        ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(12345);

            Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();
            Thread t = new Thread(new SocketResponder(socket));

With the infinite -variable set to true, the Printwriter (and underlying socket) never gets closed due to infinite loop. infinite变量设置为true,Printwriter(和底层套接字)永远不会因无限循环而关闭。 If I run this and connect to the socket with telnet, then quit the telnet-client, netstat will show the server side-socket still in CLOSE_WAIT -state (I could also see the client-side socket in FIN_WAIT2-state for a while, but it'll disappear): 如果我运行此命令并使用telnet连接到套接字,然后退出telnet-client, netstat将显示服务器端套接字仍然在CLOSE_WAIT -state中(我还可以看到FIN_WAIT2状态的客户端套接字暂时,但它会消失):

~$ netstat -anp | grep 12345
tcp6       0      0 :::12345        :::*            LISTEN      6460/java       
tcp6       1      0 ::1:12345       ::1:34606       CLOSE_WAIT  6460/java   

The server-side accepted socket gets stuck in the CLOSE_WAIT -state. 服务器端接受的套接字卡在CLOSE_WAIT -state中。 If I check the thread stacks for the process, I can see the thread waiting inside the do...while -loop: 如果我检查进程的线程堆栈,我可以看到线程在do ... while -loop内等待:

~$ jstack 6460


"Thread-0" prio=10 tid=0x00007f424013d800 nid=0x194f waiting on condition [0x00007f423c50e000]
   java.lang.Thread.State: TIMED_WAITING (sleeping)
    at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    at TestSocketClosedWaitState$SocketResponder.run(TestSocketClosedWaitState.java:32)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:701)


If I set the infinite -variable to false, and do the same (connect client & disconnect), the socket with CLOSE_WAIT -state will show until the writer is closed (closing the underlying socket), and then disappears. 如果我将infinite -variable设置为false,并执行相同的操作(连接客户端和断开连接),则CLOSE_WAIT -state的套接字将显示,直到CLOSE_WAIT器关闭(关闭底层套接字),然后消失。 If the writer or socket is never closed, the server-side socket will again get stuck in CLOSED_WAIT , even if the thread terminates (I don't think this should occur in Jetty, if your method returns at some point, Jetty probably should take care of closing the socket). 如果CLOSED_WAIT或套接字永远不会关闭,服务器端套接字将再次卡在CLOSED_WAIT ,即使线程终止(我不认为这应该发生在Jetty中,如果你的方法在某些时候返回,Jetty可能应该采取小心关闭插座)。

So, steps I'd suggest you to try and find the culprit are 所以,我建议你尝试找到罪魁祸首的步骤

  • Add logging to your methods to see where there are going/what they are doing 将记录添加到您的方法中,以查看它们的进展/正在进行的操作
  • Check your code, are there any places where the execution could get stuck in an infinite loop or take a really long while, preventing the underlying socket from being closed? 检查你的代码,是否有任何地方执行可能陷入无限循环或需要很长时间,防止底层套接字被关闭?
  • If it still occurs, take a thread dump from the running Jetty-process with jstack the next time this problem occurs and try to identify any "stuck" threads 如果仍然发生,请在下次出现此问题时使用jstack从正在运行的Jetty进程中获取线程转储并尝试识别任何“卡住”线程
  • Is there a chance something might throw something (OutOfMemoryError or such) that might not get caught by the underlying Jetty-architecture calling your method? 是否有可能抛出某些东西(OutOfMemoryError等)可能不会被调用您的方法的底层Jetty架构捕获? I've never peeked inside Jetty's internals, it could very well be catching Throwable s, so this is probably not the issue, but maybe worth checking if all else fails 我从来没有在Jetty的内部偷看,它很可能是捕获Throwable的,所以这可能不是问题,但也许值得检查是否所有其他方法都失败了

You could also name the threads when they enter and exit your methods with something like 您还可以在进入和退出方法时为其命名

        String originalName = Thread.currentThread().getName();

        //Your code...


to spot them easier if there are a lot of threads running. 如果有很多线程在运行,那么更容易发现它们。

I faced a similar problem, while the culprit code may differ, the symptoms were 1) Server (Jetty) was running yet not processing request 2) There was not extra ordinary load/exceptions 3) Too many CLOSE_WAIT connections were there. 我遇到了类似的问题,而罪魁祸首代码可能不同,症状是1)服务器(Jetty)正在运行但没有处理请求2)没有额外的普通加载/异常3)有太多的CLOSE_WAIT连接。

These suggested that all the worker threads in the server are stuck somewhere. 这些建议服务器中的所有工作线程都卡在某处。 Jstack Thread dump showed that all our worker threads were stuck in apache HttpClient object. Jstack Thread转储显示我们所有的工作线程都被困在apache HttpClient对象中。 (because of unclosed response objects), and since all the threads were waiting infinitely, none were available to process the incoming request. (由于未关闭的响应对象),并且由于所有线程都在无限期等待,因此没有可用于处理传入请求的线程。

Is the load balancer still up? 负载均衡器是否还在运行? Try stopping the load balancer and see if this is the issue not the server. 尝试停止负载均衡器,看看这是不是服务器的问题。

This probably means you're not cleaning up your incoming connections. 这可能意味着您没有清理传入的连接。 Make sure sockets are getting closed at the end of each transaction. 确保每次交易结束时套接字都关闭。 (Best done in a finally block near the beginning of your server code so that connections get closed even if server side exceptions occur.) (最好在服务器代码开头附近的finally块中完成,这样即使发生服务器端异常,连接也会关闭。)

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