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[英]javascript page element access from one child iframe to another child

I´m trying to access a few elements from a child iframe to another... 我试图从儿童iframe访问另一个元素到另一个...

I´ve tried to reference childNodes with no luck (alert 0): 我试图在没有运气的情况下引用childNodes(警报0):


Also tried to go upward to parent and then down to child with no luck: 还试图向上走向父母,然后向下到没有运气的孩子:

function getParentFrameProperties(idframe,idobject){
  var myframe = window.parent.document.getElementById(idframe).contentWindow;
  var insideobject = myframe.document.getElementById(idobject).value;

Any clues? 有线索吗? Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Retrieve Element value from other iframe: 从其他iframe中检索元素值:

This is your parent element: 这是您的父元素:

<iframe src="iframe1.html"></iframe>
<iframe src="iframe2.html"></iframe>

And this is your input in iframe1.html: 这是你在iframe1.html中的输入:

<input id="inp" value="HELLO!!!">

Let's retrieve it's value in iframe2.html: 让我们在iframe2.html中检索它的值:

parent.window.onload = function(){

    var ifr1     = parent.document.getElementById("ifr1");
    var ifr1_DOC = ifr1.contentDocument || ifr1.contentWindow.document;

    console.log( ifr1_DOC.getElementById("inp").value ); // "HELLO!!!"


Live communicating between iframes: iframe之间的实时通信:

Pseudo: 伪:

iframe1 >>> postMessage to window.parent
iframe2 >>> addEventListener to window.parent that will listen for postMessage events

This is your parent element: 这是您的元素:

<iframe src="iframe1.html"></iframe>
<iframe src="iframe2.html"></iframe>

Example: iframe1 >>> sends data to >>> iframe2 示例: iframe1 >>> sends data to >>> iframe2

Iframe1: (sends) Iframe1 :(发送)

var n = 0;
function postToParent(){
    el.innerHTML = n;
    // IMPORTANT: never use "*" but yourdomain.com address.
    parent.postMessage(n++, "*");
setInterval(postToParent, 1000);

Iframe2: (receives) Iframe2 :(收到)

<p id="el">NUMBER CHANGES HERE</p>

var el = document.getElementById("el");
function receiveMessage(event) {
    // Do we trust the sender of this message?
    // IMPORTANT! Uncomment the line below and set yourdomain.com address.
    // if (event.origin !== "yourdomain.com") return;
    el.innerHTML = event.data;
parent.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);

You should see in iframe2 the p element increase numbers that are sent from iframe1. 您应该在iframe2中看到p元素增加从iframe1发送的数字。

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/postMessage https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/postMessage

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