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[英]How do I back up my Linux system

I am using Yocto distribution of Linux. 我正在使用Yocto Linux发行版。 And currently, I am looking to back-up my system following the guide: 目前,我希望按照指南备份我的系统:

http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35087 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35087

The part I am having trouble with is that 我遇到麻烦的部分是

and go to the root of your filesystem (we use this in our example, but you can go anywhere you want your backup to end up, including remote or removable drives.) Code: cd / 并转到文件系统的根目录(我们在我们的示例中使用它,但您可以到任何您希望备份结束的地方,包括远程或可移动驱动器。)代码: cd /

How do I double-gaurantee that by typing cd , it will go to the very very top folder of ENTIRE linux system, and how do I double ensure that the back-up will back up ENTIRE THINGS of the linux system? 如何通过键入cd双重保护,它将进入ENTIRE linux系统的最顶层文件夹,如何双重确保备份将备份Linux系统的整体内容?

If you want to backup to your own harddrive, then it needs at least 50% free space. 如果要备份到自己的硬盘,则需要至少50%的可用空间。

Typically people do not backup all their binaries, but rather their data (the data that is in the /home directories) 通常人们不会备份他们的所有二进制文件,而是备份他们的数据(/ home目录中的数据)

sudo mkdir /homeBackups sudo mkdir / homeBackups

sudo cp -a /home /homeBackups/. sudo cp -a / home / homeBackups /。

sudo tar -cvf homeBackups.tar . sudo tar -cvf homeBackups.tar。

sudo gzip homeBackups.tar sudo gzip homeBackups.tar

Then store the final homeBackups.tar.gz somewhere safe. 然后将最终的homeBackups.tar.gz存储在安全的地方。 (done!) (做!)

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