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[英]Read NSArray of CGPoints in Swift

I have a function in an Objective-C class that returns an NSArray: 我在Objective-C类中有一个返回NSArray的函数:

- (NSArray *) myAwesomeFunction {
   // Good stuff here
   return array

Now I know that the members of this array are all NSValue objects with a CGPoint inside. 现在我知道该数组的成员都是内部带有CGPoint NSValue对象。 This information is not available to Swift however, which infers the return type (correctly) as [AnyObject]! 但是,该信息不适用于Swift,它(正确地)将返回类型推断为[AnyObject]!

Now when I try to cast the members of the array into an NSValue I get a cast error as I should. 现在,当我尝试将数组的成员NSValue转换为NSValue ,我应该得到一个NSValue转换错误。

let myArray = AnObjectiveCClass.myAwesomeFunction()
let myValue = myArray[0] as NSValue // Cast error since AnyObject cannot be cast to NSValue

This leaves me with a problem though, how can I access the contents of the array in my Swift class? 但是,这给我带来了一个问题,如何在我的Swift类中访问数组的内容? In the end I want to retrieve the CGPoint values inside of the array. 最后,我想在数组内部检索CGPoint值。

In my opinion, you can cast the the whole array to a [NSValue] array: 我认为,您可以将整个数组转换为[NSValue]数组:

if let downcastNSValueArray = myArray as? [NSValue] {
    let myValue = downcastNSValueArray[0]

You can simply add an Objective-C generics annotation to your method: 您可以简单地在方法中添加一个Objective-C 泛型注释

+ (NSArray<NSValue *> *) myAwesomeMethod {
   // Good stuff here
   return array;

Now Swift automatically infers the type: 现在,Swift自动推断类型:

let myArray = MyClass.myAwesomeMethod()
let myValue = myArray[0]
let myPoint = myValue.pointValue

Note that myArray will be an implicitly-unwrapped optional ie an [NSValue]! 请注意, myArray将是一个隐式展开的可选值,即[NSValue]! , so you could also add nullability annotations if you know myAwesomeMethod won't ever return nil . ,因此,如果您知道myAwesomeMethod永远不会返回nil则也可以添加可空性注释 myValue will be considered non-optional. myValue将被视为非可选。 So the code above doesn't need any additional type handling to satisfy the compiler, but may still trigger runtime exceptions if myArray == nil or if myArray.count < 1 . 因此,上面的代码不需要任何其他类型的处理即可满足编译器的要求,但如果myArray == nilmyArray.count < 1 ,则仍可能触发运行时异常。

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