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展平多个嵌套的层次结构数组 - d3.js

[英]Flatten multiple nested hierarchial array - d3.js

I have an an array with four levels that I would like to have flattened. 我有一个有四个级别的阵列,我想要扁平化。

Simplified code with two starting array-elements and flattening of the lowest level: 带有两个起始数组元素的简化代码和最低级别的扁平化:

var tstArray = [{Count:2,Yr:2008,Dep:"NDep_1",Periodtype:"Week",Period:1,Beds:5},

tstArray = d3.nest()
                    .key(function(d) { return d.Periodtype;})
                    .key(function(d) { return d.Yr;})
                    .key(function(d) { return d.Period;})
                    .key(function(d) { return d.Dep;})
                    .rollup(function(d) { 
                            return {"Count":d3.sum(d, function(g) {return g.Count; }), "Beds":d3.sum(d, function(j) {return j.Beds;})};


tstArray =  tstArray.map(function(d){
    var Periodtype = d.key
    var values1 = d.values.map(function(e){
        var Yr = e.key
        var values2 = e.values.map(function(f){
            var Period = f.key;
            var values3 = f.values.map(function(g){
            return {'Period':Period,'values3':values3}
        var tmparr = [];
        for (   var i = 0, len=values2.length; i < len; i++) {                                  
            for (   var j = 0, lenj=values2[i].values3.length; j < lenj; j++) {
                tmparr.push({    'Period':values2[i].Period,
                                 'Count': +values2[i].values3[j].Count,
                                 'Beds': +values2[i].values3[j].Beds


      return{'Periodtype':Periodtype,'values1':values1} })


JsFiddle 的jsfiddle

Now, I have one solution, I think. 现在,我想有一个解决方案。 I could just redo this for the lowest level (three more goes) but that seems to be a bad way to go about this. 我可以重做这个最低级别(另外三个),但这似乎是一个不好的方式来解决这个问题。 How can i get all the flattening in one go? 如何一次性完成所有的扁平化? I have tried but I have had little luck with values3. 我尝试过,但我对于值3没什么好运。 I still understand these concepts too shallowly. 我仍然太了解这些概念。 Help much appreciated. 非常感谢。

Ok, after some help on which routes to explore I settled for a for-loop, mainly because the arrays are fixed and it was the easiest to get my head around. 好的,在探索了哪些路线的帮助后,我决定使用for循环,主要是因为阵列是固定的,而且最容易理解。

var tmparr = [];
for (   var i = 0, len=values2.length; i < len; i++) {                                  
    for (   var j = 0, lenj=values2[i].values3.length; j < lenj; j++) {
       tmparr.push({    'Period':values2[i].Period,
                        'Count': +values2[i].values3[j].Count,
                        'Beds': +values2[i].values3[j].Beds


I then repeated this loop on the next level (I did this mainly for readability, by doing it this way I didn't have to nest more than two levels of for-loops). 然后我在下一个级别重复这个循环(我这样做主要是为了可读性,通过这样做我不需要嵌套两个以上级别的for循环)。

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