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DataTable错误 - 无法读取未定义的属性“长度”

[英]DataTable Error - Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

I am trying to build my DataTable (1.10.5) using an ajax call to a service - http://www.datatables.net/examples/ajax/ 我正在尝试使用ajax调用服务来构建我的DataTable(1.10.5) - http://www.datatables.net/examples/ajax/

Here is my Javascript: 这是我的Javascript:


    "dom": 'C<"clear">lfrtip',
    "bProcessing": true,
    "bServerSide": true,
    "sAjaxSource": "../../api/EventTypes/GetAll",
    "aoColumnDefs": [
          "aTargets": [0],
          "mData": "Id"
           "aTargets": [1], 
           "mData": "Name"
           "aTargets": [2],
           "mData": "Name"
           "aTargets": [3],
           "mData": "Name"
           "aTargets": [4],
           "mData": "Name"

Here is my HTML: 这是我的HTML:

<table id="tableexample" class="table table-striped dataTable table-hover">
                                <th>Primary Category</th>
                                <th>Secondary Category</th>

Here is my error: 这是我的错误:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

If I look i my jquery.dataTables.js - it says that my data is undefined... 如果我看我的jquery.dataTables.js - 它说我的数据是未定义的...

var data = _fnAjaxDataSrc( settings, json );

Can anyone help me out with setting up my ajax call properly to dynamically build my table?? 谁能帮助我正确设置我的ajax调用以动态构建我的表?

Thanks! 谢谢!

Finally found it! 终于找到了!

I needed to make an ajax call and pass the data to "aaData": 我需要进行ajax调用并将数据传递给“aaData”:

    url: '/Portal/api/EventTypes/GetEventWorkflowDefinitions',
    type: 'GET',
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function (data) {

function assignToEventsColumns(data) {
var table = $('#tableexample').dataTable({
    "dom": 'C<"clear">lfrtip',
    "bAutoWidth": false,
    "aaData": data,
    "aaSorting": [],
    "aoColumnDefs": [
           "aTargets": [0],
           "bSearchable": false,
           "bSortable": false,
           "bSort": false,
           "mData": "EventTypeId",
           "mRender": function (event) {
               return '<input class="childCheck" type="checkbox" id="childCheckBoxes" value="' + event + '">';
           "aTargets": [1], 
           "mData": "EventType"

Once I did this...the table build perfectly! 一旦我这样做了......桌子就完美了!

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