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如何从字符串中删除某些字符? [蟒蛇]

[英]How to remove certain characters from a string? [Python]

Say i have a string called cool and cool is set to "cool°" 假设我有一个名为cool的字符串,cool设置为“cool°”

cool = "cool°"

how do i remove the degree symbol from the string? 如何从字符串中删除度数符号?

Since strings are immutable, use the replace function to reassign cool 由于字符串是不可变的,因此使用replace函数重新分配cool

cool = "cool°"
cool = cool.replace("°","")

If they are at the end of the string use str.rstrip : 如果它们位于字符串的末尾,请使用str.rstrip

cool = "cool°"

cool = cool.rstrip("°")

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