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HTTP / HTTPS客户端,HTTPS请求上的“连接重置”

[英]HTTP/HTTPS client, “connection reset” on HTTPS requests

I'm trying to make a simple HTTP/HTTPS client using java . 我正在尝试使用java创建一个简单的HTTP / HTTPS客户端 What i have done as of now in my Client.java file is here. 我现在在Client.java文件中所做的就是这里。

Everything is working good when i try to access www.google.com:80. 当我尝试访问www.google.com:80时,一切正常。 I'm getting the full HTML content in my response BufferedReader. 我在响应BufferedReader中获取完整的HTML内容。

But, when i try to access www.google.com:443, there is no data coming through BufferedReader 但是,当我尝试访问www.google.com:443时,BufferedReader没有数据

For www.facebook.com:80, 对于www.facebook.com:80,

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Also, when i try with www.facebook.com:443, Getting the following error: 此外,当我尝试使用www.facebook.com:443时,出现以下错误:

Exception in thread "main" java.net.SocketException: Connection reset

Where am i going wrong? 我哪里错了? Why am i not able to get any response for the HTTPS sites? 为什么我无法获得HTTPS站点的任何响应?

public class Client {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        //String host = args[0];
        //int port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        //String path = args[2];

        int port = 80;
        String host = "www.google.com";
        String path = "/";

        //Opening Connection
        Socket clientSocket = new Socket(host, port);

        //Declare a writer to this url
        PrintWriter request = new PrintWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream(),true);

        //Declare a listener to this url
        BufferedReader response = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream()));

        //Sending request to the server
        //Building HTTP request header
        request.print("GET "+path+" HTTP/1.1\r\n"); //"+path+"
        request.print("Host: "+host+"\r\n");
        request.print("Connection: close\r\n");

        System.out.println("Request Sent!");

        //Receiving response from server
        String responseLine;
        while ((responseLine = response.readLine()) != null) {
        System.out.println("Response Recieved!!");

HTTPS is encrypted; HTTPS已加密; it's HTTP via SSL. 它是通过SSL的HTTP。 You can't just send raw HTTP requests. 您不能只发送原始HTTP请求。 The server will drop your connection immediately if you start sending data without establishing a secure connection first (hence the connection reset error). 如果您在没有首先建立安全连接的情况下开始发送数据,则服务器将立即断开连接(因此连接重置错误)。 You have to establish an SSL connection first. 您必须首先建立SSL连接。 You'd want to use an SSLSocket (via SSLSocketFactory , see also example ) instead of a Socket in that case. 在这种情况下,您需要使用SSLSocket (通过SSLSocketFactory ,另请参见示例 )而不是Socket

It's as simple as changing one line of your code for the HTTPS case (well, three if you count the exception specification and the port number change to 443): 它就像为HTTPS情况更改代码的一行一样简单(如果计算异常规范并且端口号更改为443,则为三行):

Socket clientSocket = SSLSocketFactory.getDefault().createSocket(host, port);

Note that clientSocket will be an instance of SSLSocket (which is derived from Socket ) in this case. 请注意,在这种情况下, clientSocket将是SSLSocket的实例(从Socket派生)。

However, if you're doing this as part of a larger application (as opposed to just a learning experience), consider existing libraries, such as Apache's HttpClient (which supports HTTPS as well) or the built-in HttpURLConnection and HttpsURLConnection if you need something more basic. 但是,如果您将此作为更大应用程序的一部分(而不仅仅是学习经验),请考虑现有的库,例如Apache的HttpClient (也支持HTTPS)或内置的HttpURLConnectionHttpsURLConnection如果需要)更基本的东西。 If you need to embed a server in an application you can use the built-in HttpServer or HttpsServer . 如果需要在应用程序中嵌入服务器,可以使用内置的HttpServerHttpsServer

Also issues that EJP mentioned in his comment . 也是EJP在评论中提到的问题。

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