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[英]How to alphabetically sort a text file in python without sort function?

I have to alphabetically sort a text file where each new word is on a new line. 我必须按字母顺序对文本文件进行排序,其中每个新单词都在新行上。 I currently have the whitespace stripped and my program prints the first letter attaching it to a integer with the ord function. 我目前去除了空格,并且我的程序打印了第一个字母,并使用ord函数将其附加到整数。 I cannot use sort and I know I have to put it into a list just not sure how. 我无法使用排序,我知道我必须将其放入列表中,只是不确定如何操作。 This is what i wrote for the lists. 这就是我为清单写的。

lists = [ [] for _ in range( 26 ) ]

If you can't use the sort() method, the sorted() function is your next bet. 如果您不能使用sort()方法,那么sorted()函数就是您的下一个选择。

words = [...]
sorted_words = sorted(words)

Unlike words.sort() , using sorted() won't modify its input, and it works on arbitrary iterables. words.sort()不同,使用sorted()不会修改其输入,并且可以在任意可迭代对象上使用。

You could use the following function to sort your list of words: 您可以使用以下功能对单词列表进行排序:

def qsort(array):
    if len(array) < 2:
        return array
    head, *tail = array
    less = qsort([item for item in tail if item < head])
    more = qsort([item for item in tail if item >= head])
    return less + [head] + more

For the range command you have to put two exclusive integers as parameters for example range(0,11) will pick a number between 1 and 10. This is probably why you can use range(). 对于range命令,您必须放入两个互斥整数作为参数,例如range(0,11)将选择一个介于1和10之间的数字。这可能就是您可以使用range()的原因。 Also you need to use a column to follow range():. 另外,您需要使用一列来跟随range():。

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