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Drupal 7 uuid.module数据库更新7103失败

[英]Drupal 7 uuid.module Database update 7103 fails

I finished upgrading a Drupal 6 site to Drupal 7. All fields have been migrated. 我完成了将Drupal 6站点升级到Drupal 7的操作。所有字段都已迁移。 When I run update now I get this UUID error 现在运行更新时,出现此UUID错误

An AJAX HTTP error occurred. HTTP Result Code: 200 Debugging information follows. Path: http://drupal220/update.php?

op=selection&token=bLDFFBM8NZi09U0is5p6eim_do1vePHV5iNjLWLu8u4&id=10&op=do StatusText: OK ResponseText: Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in C:\xampp\htdocs\drupal220\sites\all\modules\uuid\uuid.install on line 266

The update process was aborted prematurely while running update #7103 in uuid.module. 在uuid.module中运行更新#7103时,更新过程过早中止。 All errors have been logged. 所有错误均已记录。 You may need to check the watchdog database table 您可能需要检查看门狗数据库表

manually. 手动。

Watchdog report 看门狗报告

Location http://drupal220/update.php?op=selection&token=bLDFFBM8NZi09U0is5p6eim_do1vePHV5iNjLWLu8u4&id=9&op=do
Referrer    http://drupal220/update.php?op=selection&token=bLDFFBM8NZi09U0is5p6eim_do1vePHV5iNjLWLu8u4&op=start&id=9
Message Notice: Undefined index: label in uuid_update_7103() (line 266 of C:\xampp\htdocs\drupal220\sites\all\modules\uuid\uuid.install).

It seems is an error from the uuid module, try to downgrade the version to 7.x-1.0-alpha5 and I think it fixes the error. 从uuid模块看来,这是一个错误,请尝试将版本降级到7.x-1.0-alpha5 ,我认为它可以修复该错误。

You can download this version here . 您可以在此处下载此版本。

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