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[英]How do I change the color of the arrows?

I have this site: 我有这个网站:

http://dl.dg-site.com/ http://dl.dg-site.com/

In this site we have a menu arrow gray colored ... 在这个网站上,我们有一个菜单箭头灰色...

How can I change the color of the white arrows without modifying anything else? 如何更改白色箭头的颜色而不进行任何其他更改?

I found this code here ... and do not change color but only arrow 我在这里找到此代码...并且不更改颜色,仅更改箭头

    nav>ul ul, 
    .testimonial_small p,
    .ABs_pricing-table-2 .ABs_pricebox_feature:last-of-type{
        border-bottom-color:#969696 !important;

Can you help me to solve this problem? 您能帮我解决这个问题吗?

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

#magic-line {
  border-bottom-color: #fff !important;

The !important declaration is required since to override the rule you've shown in your question. 需要!important声明,因为它要覆盖问题中显示的规则。 Generally you should avoid using ! 通常您应该避免使用! important . important

I suspect this is an off-the-shelf WordPress theme though, and the rule you showed in your question is injected into the page by the theme, so you may not be able to edit it directly. 我怀疑这是一个现成的WordPress主题,并且您在问题中显示的规则已通过该主题注入到页面中,因此您可能无法直接对其进行编辑。 In which case the !important will be required, and you will need to ensure that your new rule appears after the rule that sets the gray border color. 在这种情况下,将需要!important ,并且您需要确保新规则出现在设置灰色边框颜色的规则之后。

If for some reason you can't load your custom styles after the theme generated styles then you will need a rule that is more specific to ensure it takes precedence, eg 如果由于某种原因您不能在主题生成的样式之后加载自定义样式,那么您将需要一个更具体的规则以确保其优先级,例如

nav #magic-line {
  border-bottom-color: #fff !important;

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