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[英]React Router and Arbitrary Query Params: Page Refreshes Unintentionally on Load?

I've been using React Router with great success the past few weeks, but I just ran into an issue that I can't seem to find a resolution for. 在过去的几周中,我一直在使用React Router取得巨大的成功,但是我遇到了一个似乎无法解决的问题。 Whenever an arbitrary query parameter is appended to a url (in our case, for URL tracking purposes from email) the page that you land on will load, then automatically refresh without warning. 每当将任意查询参数附加到url(在我们的示例中,出于电子邮件中的URL跟踪目的)时,您加载的页面都会加载,然后自动刷新而不会发出警告。

Given the most basic of route setups: 给出最基本的路由设置:

var routes = (
  <Route handler={ResultsController}>
     <DefaultRoute handler={Results} />

And a default handler: 和默认处理程序:

Router.run(routes, function (Handler, state) {
  React.render(<Handler params={state.params} />, domElement);

If I navigate to http://whatever.com/results everything works as it should, but if I navigate to http://whatever.com/results?ref=track the page will refresh and redirect back to http://whatever.com/results#/ . 如果我导航到http://whatever.com/results一切正常,但是如果我导航到http://whatever.com/results?ref=track则页面将刷新并重定向回http://whatever.com/results#/ Please note that appending queryParams after the hash and slash results in correct behavior; 请注意,在哈希和斜杠附加queryParams会导致正确的行为; problem is, many of these links are generated server-side and forcing hashes in such a way is not desired. 问题是,其中许多链接都是在服务器端生成的,因此不希望以这种方式强制使用哈希。

Do I need to setup a wildcard handler for queryParams? 我是否需要为queryParams设置通配符处理程序? Any pointers to documentation would be helpful as well. 任何指向文档的指针也将有所帮助。

Edit: 编辑:
While this doesn't address the overarching question / bug leading to unintentional refreshes, I've found that loading the route using the Router.HistoryLocation PushState option allows for queryParams pre-render: 虽然这不能解决导致无意刷新的总体问题/错误,但我发现使用Router.HistoryLocation PushState选项加载路由可以允许queryParams预渲染:

Router.run(routes, Router.HistoryLocation, function (Handler, state) {
  React.render(<Handler params={state.params} query={state.query} />, domElement);

Thanks! 谢谢!

The problem here is that you're using Router.HashLocation , the default location if you don't specify one. 这里的问题是您使用的是Router.HashLocation ,如果您未指定默认位置,则为默认位置。

Router.run(routes, Router.HistoryLocation, function(...

Will fix the problem, but you'll need a server that can handle it. 将解决此问题,但您需要一个可以处理它的服务器。

If you still want hash location, put your query after the # . 如果仍然需要哈希位置,请将查询放在# 后面 As far as HashLocation is concerned, the query before the # is not part of the location that it understands. HashLocation而言, #之前的查询不是它理解的位置的一部分。

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