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[英]how to start netbeans with parameters

Questions: 问题:

1) i'm using netbeans 8.0.2 on windows and i wanted to change the font size of the package explorer tree view to make it bigger, i read this from the netbeans wiki page ( http://wiki.netbeans.org/FaqFontSize ) and it says that i can run netbeans with parameters like this netbeans --fontsize 14 but when i try to do that on my cmd in windows it don't find the keyword netbeans. 1)我在Windows上使用了netbeans 8.0.2,我想更改程序包浏览器树状视图的字体大小以使其更大,我从netbeans Wiki页面( http://wiki.netbeans.org/ FaqFontSize ),它说我可以使用像netbeans --fontsize 14这样的参数来运行netbeans,但是当我尝试在Windows中的cmd上执行该操作时,找不到关键词netbeans。 how can i run the netbeans ide like they mention in the page. 我怎样才能像他们在页面中提到的那样运行netbeans ide。

2) in the page it says that i need to do this everytime if i want to use a different font size and if i want to change it permantly i need to modify a .conf file but the netbeans.conf file that i find in the path that they mention is only a plain text file with all the lines comented, the comented lines says that if i want to change something i need to go to this path C:\\Users\\<username>\\AppData\\Roaming\\ but in this path there are to many folders called css and i dont know what should i edit. 2)在页面上说如果我要使用不同的字体大小并且要永久更改它,我需要每次都执行此操作,我需要修改.conf文件,但要修改在.net文件中找到的netbeans.conf文件。他们提到的路径仅是纯文本文件,其中所有行都已加注释,加注释的行表示如果我要更改某些内容,则需要转到此路径C:\\Users\\<username>\\AppData\\Roaming\\但是在此路径有许多名为css的文件夹,我不知道该怎么编辑。

In the config file are a few lines that aren't commented look at line 46 there is the following statement: 在配置文件中,有几行未注释,请看第46行,其中有以下语句:

netbeans_default_options="-J-client -J-Xss2m -J-Xms32m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -J-Dapple.awt.graphics.UseQuartz=true -J-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -J-Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=true -J-Dsun.zip.disableMemoryMapping=true"

This is the line mentioned in the wiki text. 这是Wiki文本中提到的行。 Add here simple --fontsize 14 within the "" 在“”中添加简单的--fontsize 14

I hope that I could help you! 希望能对您有所帮助!
BTW: Opening the file with Notepad++ or an other editor than windows standard gives more overview! 顺便说一句:使用Notepad ++或Windows标准以外的其他编辑器打开文件可提供更多概述!

Right-click on your NetBeans shortcut icon -> go to the "target" field (to the end) -> paste/type there " --fontsize 14" -> press Ok. 右键单击NetBeans快捷方式图标->转到“目标”字段(末尾)->在其中粘贴/键入“ --fontsize 14”->按“确定”。 Every time you will use this shortcut, NetBeans will start with the font-size you need. 每次使用此快捷方式时,NetBeans都会以所需的字体大小开始。

Have you tried it? 你试过了吗? - it works for me. - 这个对我有用。

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