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[英]hk2 Dependency Injection on Tomcat

I am trying hard to get some kind of (c)di work for my little web application. 我想很难得到某种(三)二工作为我的小Web应用程序。 I gave up using Weld and now i am trying hk2 (it is already used by jersey 2). 我放弃了使用焊接 ,现在我试图HK2(它已经由球衣2)。 Here is my service that tries to inject something: 这里是我的服务,它会尝试注入的东西:

public class ExcelExportService {

    ExcelReport excelReport;

     * @param idString
     *            crucial to fetch the report
     * @return excel document (xlsx) to be downloaded
    public final Response getExcel(@QueryParam("id") final String idString) {
        Long id;
        try {
            id = Long.valueOf(idString);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).build();
        return Response.ok(excelReport.getCompleteExcel(id), MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM)
                       .header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + "report-" + id + ".xlsx" + "\"")

I am not sure if @ManagedBean is necessary. 我不知道如果@ManagedBean是必要的。 The Problem is : 问题是

1. org.glassfish.hk2.api.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: There was no object available for injection at SystemInjecteeImpl(requiredType=ExcelReport,parent=ExcelExportService,qualifiers={},position=-1,optional=false,self=false,unqualified=null,1464117566)

So the inject is simply not working. 所以注入是根本无法工作。 I set up DI as it is described here (see accepted answer). 我设置了DI,因为它是描述在这里 (见接受的答案)。 In my case the binder look like that: 在我的情况下,粘合剂的样子说:

protected void configure() {


I think i wouldn't need the bind of ExcelReport because it has a Constructor that injects Data - right? 我想我不需要ExcelReport的绑定,因为它有注入数据构造 - 对吗? But it isn't working either way. 但这两种方法都不起作用。

My "main" is this 我的“主要”是这样的

public class WebApp extends ResourceConfig{
    public WebApp(){
        packages("true", "com.prodyna.reportExport.service");

and web.xml: 和web.xml:

<web-app version="2.5" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd">

So how to setup DI properly (my third try will be Guice). 因此,如何建立正确的DI(我的第三次尝试将吉斯)。

UPDATE I am also unsure about the dependencies needed. UPDATE我也不能确定所需的依赖关系。 currently i included this (updated based on hint): 目前我包括了这个(根据提示更新):


Sample project trying to solve this problem: https://github.com/miguelangelprogramacion/jersey-dependency-injection 尝试解决此问题的示例项目: https : //github.com/miguelangelprogramacion/jersey-dependency-injection

I used the recommendations of peeskillet, with a modification in the final register process, as you can see in ResourceConfigApp.java 我使用了peeskillet的建议,并在最终注册过程中进行了修改,如您在ResourceConfigApp.java中所见

It should not be register(Binder.class); 它不应该是register(Binder.class); , but instead register(new Binder()); ,而是register(new Binder());


Ok, so on top the the above part of the answer, it should also be 好的,所以在答案的上面部分之上,它也应该是


The binding basically reads "bind service to contract" 绑定基本上是“将服务绑定到合同”

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